Chapter Six: To approve or not approve

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A few days later a social worker named Peanut Butter Shortbread came and looked around and looked at the place with a very serious expression on their face as well as the two watched quietly.

"Hmmm~" they hummed in thought qnd and Vampire shook a little bit and Werewolf gulped softly and he felt his heart start to speed up in his chest and rubbed Vampire's back to relax him.

They waited and watched the Social Worker as they watched them check out the bedroom Cranberry Wine would sleep in and wrote something down and then when into the kitchen downstairs.

They looked at the cabinets they locked up and wrote something down about it on their clipboard then went into the bathroom and looked at the cabinet under the sink and nodded softly.

After writing this down they went to the living room and sat in a chair and the couple followed and sat down on the couch together waiting to hear anything about this and looked very nervous too.

They waited for fifteen minutes all thought it felt like hours to the couple and saw Peanut Butter Shortbread Cookie put their clipboard on the coffee table and looked at them very calmly.

"Well I must say this looks very nice and looks like you worked very hard on it too" they said raking off their glasses and smiling at the nervous couple and they nodded in agreement with them.

"So just let me talk to Choco Swirl and she'll contact you two when I got my final answer" they said and the couple nodded and escorted the Social Worker out the door with a polite thank you.

"I hope this went well" Vampire whispered softly and he felt so scared and stressed out about this whole situation cause he started to warm up on fostering the little Doughling.

They waited for a whole week and they started to lose hope thinking this chance wasn't going to happen when all of a sudden their phone rang and Werewolf answered it with a hopeful expression.

"Hello there is this Werewolf or Vampire?" Choco Swirl asked with a calm expression on her face and looked very serious about something as Werewolf swallowed hard.

"This is Werewolf Ms. Choco Swirl" he said with a shaky voice and Vampire shook hard and looked so very scared and stressed out about this situation cause it was making him very nervous.

"Well I got news for you two so can you please put me on speaker phone for this?" She asked him and he nodded and made a yes like sound in his mouth and put her on speaker and shook hard.

"W-what's news?" Vampire asked with a shaky voice and he held onto Werewolf and Werewolf held onto him as well as they waited for her tell them the news with anxious expressions as well.

"Well....congratulations you are the the foster parents to Cranberry Wine!" Her demeanor changed to a happy and very excited voice as the two teared up and felt their hearts burst for joy.

"T-thank you so much and when can we come and get him?" Vampire asked as he wiped his tears away and looked so happy and completely excited about this whole thing already and looked happy.

"You can come get him tomorrow morning if you want to" Choco Swirl said as she felt so happy for them qnd had hope for Cranberry Wine as well as she heard them cheer and smiled.

"We're be there tomorrow!" They said together and they wished her a good evening and looked qt each other with big smiles and kissed deeply and passionately and cried softly as well.

"I'm do excited and we're about to have a child finally" Vampire said with a sniffle and he felt Werewolf lick his tears away with a smile on his face and nodded his head in agreement as well.

"Yes qnd we'll finally be a family and we'll have yo be gentle with him and careful too" Werewolf said qnd Vampire nodded his head and smiled qt him qnd kissed him deeply "I love you so much~"

"I love you too my dear little grape bat~" Werewolf cooed and he kissed him back and they both went to bed excited about tomorrow morning and their new lives together as a family to the two year old.

As they slept a dark figure was watching Cranberry Wine again and it looked at him with a glare awith it's red eyes as they glowed in the door and it wasn't happy about something as well.

'I will make sure he will suffer and he doesn't deserve any happiness whatsoever~' they thought silently as they then looked him one more time and walked over in the dead of night.

'Mark mywords he will pay just like his useless pathetic father and slut of a slut mother did a month ago~' they thought as well as a dark smile formed on their face as well as it looked at a puddle.

"Mark my words you will pay for all of this Cranberry Wine~" they cooed and stomped onto the puddle with a dark expression on their face as they walked away from the Orphanage with a growl.

"You will pay for everything you did to me and I will make sure you will never be happy again~" they snarled as their red eyes looked very dark and soulless and they looked upset about something.

"They pulled out a very old photo and their hand shook as they looked at it and shoved it back into their pocket and waited for the right moment to strike and get their long awaited revenge.

"Soon Cranberry Wine soon~" they cooed softly and they slipped into a dark area and disappeared from the scene and was never caught doing what they were doing for a long time now.

And little did they know something wasn't going to let this happen.

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