Chapter Seven: New adjustments

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The next day bright and early the two rushed to the Orphanage as soon as the time for it to open up came and they saw Cranberry Wine and Choco Swirl waiting for them as Choco Swirl smiled.

"Here are your new parents sweetie~" she cooed softly and she watcher the two slowly and gently walked to the shaking and scared two year old and spoke in soft and gently voices too.

"Hey there kiddo, you ready to go~?" Werewolf asked and he saw Cranberry Wine shake his head no but was nudged to the car and he looked scared and stressed out about this whole situation.

"Easy~ it's ok~" Choco Swirl said as she gently pushed him into the car and buckled into him into the car seat that was waiting for him and he looked very scared as she looked at him softly.

"Goodbye sweetheart I will miss you~" she whispered softly and she closed the door and he started to cry qnd felt his heart start to speed up in his chest and he started to feel a little uneasy.

"Thank you and we'll make sure he has a social worker come to check on him in a few weeks" Choco Swirl said and the two nodded and went to the car and climbed into the car with smiles.

"You ready to go home~?" Vampire asked with a gentle voice and he smiled softly at him as Cranberry Wine shook hard and looked so very scared and stressed out about this whole thing.

"Werewolf please go slowly, he doesn't look good" Vampire said with a frown and he felt very concerned about the small doughling and Werewolf nodded and went slow as he drove them home.

As he drove Cranberry Wine looked more pale as he hugged his stomach and he whimpered softly and Vampire looked at him in concerned as he saw Cranberry Wine whimper softly.

"Cranberry Wine what's wrong?" Vampire asked with a gentle expression on his face and he touched his keg causing him to flinch away from his touch and gag and Vampire panicked.

"Werewolf pull over he's gonna-" but before he could finish his sentence Cranberry Wine lean forward and vomited all over his lap and the floor and started to cry feeling so horrible.

"Awww sweetie it's ok just breathe~" Vampire said with a gentle tone and he looked at Werewolf who looked very concerned as well and felt bad for him too and hoped he could help him out.

Soon they got home and Vampire gentle opened the car door and carefully unbuckled him and gentle pulled him out and put him down as he whined as the vomit all over his legs and sniffled.

"I know kiddo~ come on I'll give you a bath~" he whispered softly and he lead the shaking Doughling to the bathroom and started to run him a bath and poured bubbles into the warm water.

"Here we go nice, warm, and very exciting~" he whispered softly and he reached for Cranberry Wine who backed away and shook hard "its ok I won't hurt you I promise" Vampire said.

"Mmmm~" Cranberry Wine whimper led softly but he very slowly walked back over as Vampire turned the water off and Vampire smiled and pulled his Victorian clothes off him very gently.

"That's a very good boy~" Vampire said with a smile and he reached for his necklace and Cranberry Wine make a loud noise of discomfort and held it very close to his heart and cried softly.

"Okay, okay I won't touch it~" Vampire said with an apologetic expression and Cranberry Wine calmed down and shyly looked at him for him to pick him up and put him in the tub without a word.

Vampire looked confused at him for a moment hefore smiling qnd nodding and he gently picked him up and gently put him in the tub and grabbed a washcloth and put some soap on it.

After that very quiet and careful bath Vampire put Cranberry Wine in some cozy pj's and took him to the kitchen and put him in a booster seat in a chair and Werewolf smiled as he cooked.

"Is there anything you want in particular Cranberry Wine?" He asked and Cranberry Wine shook his head and was very quiet about it as he put a plate on the table and it was sandwich.

"There you go kiddo" Werewolf said with a smile and he watched him look at it and slowly took a bite and made a face and Werewolf smiled and realized he didn't like crusts and he cut them off.

He also made sure not to do in front of Cranberry Wine and handed him back the sandwich and he ate it with a calm expression on his face and he looked a little bit happier or so they thought.

That later night they put the two year old in his new bed and he very sad qnd very miserable and fussy and Vampire felt very worried about this and looked very unsure what he should do as well.

"Cranberry Wine please it's time to-" Werewolf said and he grabbed him so suddenly that the small Doughling suddenly let out a scream and Werewolf quickly let him go and he ran away.

"Oh no~" Vampire whispered softly and he shook hard and Werewolf quickly went after the Doughling and found him in a closet and crying his eyes out as he had locked the door behind him as well.

"Cranberry Wine I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he whispered softly and nothing happened and he sighed softly "Vampire can you please help me?" He asked his husband softly.

"I-I'm not sure if he'll let me help him~" Vampire shook hard and looked so scared and Werewolf sigh and gave up with his help and tried to get Cranberry Wine to come out for a very long time.

"Maybe a lullaby will help."

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