Chapter One

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Y/n Marino
"Robin Arellano might be hot but disgusting"

                            Robin Arellano                    "Y/n Marino is a hot lair"

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                            Robin Arellano
                    "Y/n Marino is a hot lair"

                            Robin Arellano                    "Y/n Marino is a hot lair"

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Gwendolyn Blake
"Robin and y/n stop fucking around and date."

                                  Finney Blake                             "Hi there Donna <3"

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                                  Finney Blake
                             "Hi there Donna <3"

                                  Finney Blake                             "Hi there Donna <3"

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"I will get what I want<3"

                                       Donna                      "I will get what I want<3"

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Tw:eating disorder,mention of eating disorder
I couldn't believe this. I was back at the school I had been going to for years. I had a whole summer off hanging out with my friends and I was back here again. God I remember last year I always told Finney, Gwen, and Donna that I wasn't gonna hang out with Robin Arellano at all that summer yet honestly the first day of summer we all hung out so that sentence broke off fast.

Now I was here back again and had to see him again after ALL SUMMER OF NOT STOP HIM. Thank god I had my other friends to. I walked In to the halls and saw Gwen with Finn and I ran up to them "oh hey y/n!" She said. "Hey y/n! Finney followed with. "Hey guys!" I said. While we were walking we saw Donna in the halls and we caught up with her. "Hey Donna!" I said hugging her. "Hey y/n! Hey Gwen! Uh hi Finn!" She said. Omg they were so cute. Both of them were mad blushing they had to start dating soon or I would literally fucking die!

As me and Gwen laughed at them we saw a very familiar face in the distance. Oh shit. It was Robin. I rolled my eyes as he walked up to us. "Yo wassup guys!" He said to everyone except me. He didn't even look at me god I don't know why he hates me so much. I crossed my arms and looked the other way. "What the fucks your problem today princesa." (He used it as an insult) I rolled my eyes "I'm going to class see you guys at lunch." Then I checked my schedule and oh shit me and Robin had almost EVERY SINGLE CLASS TOGETHER. I didn't have a clue what to do so I just ran off and everyone looked at me confused but I didn't care I just wanted to get this year over with.

As I was writing something down in my notebook Robin came into class with some...girl? I had never seen her before in my life but she looked familiar? Oh no. Anyways I think they were dating cause they were holding hands. For some reason I wanted to cry I felt almost jealousy come over me. *was I not good enough* I thought. Just then Gwen walked into the classroom. Thank god. Yet before she could get to me and sit down right next to me Robin and his "girlfriend" started to talk to me "dipshit move." Robin said. I looked at him disgusted. Why would he say that? "Did you not hear me the first time? I said move bitch." He said again. His crooked girlfriend started to laugh. I flipped him off and walked away with Gwen as I looked back at him he was looking at me almost...upset? I just opened my notebook and looked away if I didn't I might have cried.


it was lunch time now so I ran out of class with Gwen I didn't wanna get caught up with Robin and his shitty bitch of a girlfriend. As we got to lunch and sat down with Finney and Donna we didn't see Robin right behind us. As we all looked back we saw him kiss his girlfriend goodbye as she went to go sit with her friends and he walked up to us slapping me in the back of the head. "What the fuck you looking at jealous much?" I rolled my eyes god I couldn't even look at him.

(Tw:eating disorder now)
I didn't wanna eat, the other night my family kept calling me fat and shitty that I should loose weight and Iv always been insecure and with how I look. And with Robin here especially I just couldn't. "What are you not gonna even eat you fucking weirdo." I looked at him tears in my eyes. "I'm not hungry shut your ugly ass up Robin." "I'll shut up when you stop faking a fucking eating disorder." I slapped him right across the face I couldn't handle it anymore. "FUCK YOU ROBIN. AND FUCK YOUR WHORE OF A GIRLFRIEND." I ran to the bathroom crying. And Gwen followed after me a few minutes later.

The day had been ok so far it was kinda hard to look at y/n I acted like I had hated her my whole life and in first period when I said some stuff I felt really bad about it but decided not to say anything. It was lunch now and I had just made y/n cry and she had slapped me so hard in the face that it stung. I didn't even notice her run into the bathroom till she was gone and I saw Gwen run after her a few minutes after.

Mention of Ed now
"Wow Robin your a dick." Donna said. "How is it MY FAULT that SHE SLAPPED ME!" I said and of course I knew why it was my fault but I couldn't say that. "Look Robin we know you hate her but that was just cold. You know shes been going threw a lot at home with her family and she has always struggled with her weight." Finney said. "Well she is so skinny so I don't know why she thinks that." I said. "God you really don't know anything do you." Donna said giving me a disgusting look as her and Finney went to another table to sit down and I was left alone.


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