Chapter Four

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The bell rang for third period and it was lunch time. I walked trying to get to the lunch room but saw finney getting chased by some boys to the bathroom. Well I knew I couldn't go in there so I went to find Robin and I spotted him with Donna they seemed Offaly close? "Uh yo Robin-." I was cut off by them kissing they looked at me and Donna pulled robins hand to walk off. I wanted
To cry but I didn't have time for that I went go help Finney myself.

I got to the boys bathroom and opened the door. "Hey dick wads get away from him." I said pushing threw them. "Awww you worried bout your little boyfriend." I was to pissed to think so i punched him in the stomach while the others starred in shock and I pulled finney out of there. "Woah y/n that was... a lot." He said. "I had to get my anger out somewhere." I said.

He looked confused then I saw Robin and Donna again this time holding hands while Donna sat on robins lap in the lunch room. I pointed and finn looked at them. As Robin saw and looked like he wanted to cry. Well I damn sure started to. "It's a good thing I chickened out I guess." Finn said rapping his arm around my neck and into a hug. Robin kept looking at us and finn flipped him off. "Come on y/n let's go." He said. I nodded and he took my hand leading me to the lunch room a table just me him and gwenny. I soon felt a little better but I felt to betrayed to eat and I already wasn't going to so I didn't eat for the whole rest of the day.

Oh shit y/n saw everything. The kiss and me and Donna in the lunch room god this was a mistake. As finney and her sat down with Gwen, Gwen starred at me I could tell she was disappointed for sure. I shrugged acting like I didn't care but I sure as hell cared. A lot more than usual to. I saw y/n put her head on Finn's shoulder and I put my hand in a fist. Finn looked back at me rolling his eyes. Then he got up and walked away.

Why did I make this deal this should be finney helping donna not me. This felt so wrong and I hated it I wasn't really into donna at all and I had to act like it to make her ex jealous. Why wouldn't she ask finn to help her? Then I saw y/n run off crying with Gwen into the girls room then Gwen stopped at our table while y/n was still walking towards the bathroom. "You guys are shitty Friends donna you knew that y/n was into Robin and Robin you led her on way to much to do this. God you guys are fucking cowards." She said. Running off to help y/n. Donna just shrugged. I couldn't believe her.

I moved donna off my lap. "Uh I'm gonna Um go
To the bathroom." I said. And donna nodded. "Ok be back soon!" She said to me winking. *what the fuck.* i thought *weirdo*. As I walked into the bathroom I saw finn washing his hands. He looked at me mad. "Hey uh what's going on finn." I said acting like I knew nothing. Then he slapped me. "Really the girl I like? Are you fucking kidding me?" I looked at him I'm shock. "First you hurt y/n all your god damn life then lead her on to the point where she LIKES YOU and then you start going out with donna? Really Robin?" He walked out of the bathroom and I honestly I started to cry. I just ruined my best friendship and the person I love and wanted to date hates me to. fucking great.


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