Chapter Two

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Tw:mention of eating disorder
After Gwen had followed me into the bathroom she started to comfort me a lot. "Look y/n i know he hates you and what he said was terrible Don't feel bad." I looked at her crying. "I don't feel bad cause i slapped him or flipped him off in first period or even told him and his weird looking asf girlfriend to fuck off. I'm mad cause I don't even know why he hates me and he says all this shit and after everything that has happened he continues with it for no damn reason. I'm done with his bullshit." I said to Gwen hugging her.

After that I told her to leave and that I wanted to get cleaned up but I wanted her to go and finish eating. She nodded yes and rubbed my back in comfort and walked out but then someone else walked in. "Look y/n i know you like Robin so stop acting like you hate him." A familiar voice said to me. I looked in the direction I heard the voice it was his girlfriend. "It's me remember robins girlfriend, Cassidy. Or did you forget about me? Just like how you always forget to eat?" All the girls behind her laughed. Then she told them to leave and that "she would take care of me." Ya right this bitch couldn't do shit.

She stepped closer to me and waited for a second until swinging on me. I dodged it easily and punched her right in the face banging her head into the sink and leaving her on the ground there. "Look Cassidy I don't care who you were to me in the past I don't care who you are to me now but stay the fuck out of my life Don't come near me or my friends again you can have Robin I didn't want him in the first place anyways."  I lied at the last part but the way he had been treating me I didn't know anymore. I just looked at her for a few second and gave her some wet paper towels while she laid on the floor to stop the bleeding. I knew it wouldn't do anything but I didn't know what to do so I just left. And when I went out of the bathroom i saw Robin standing there looking shocked. He must've heard what happened but I just rolled my eyes and shoved past him.

As I saw Gwen come out of the bathroom flipping me off telling me that I need to apologize to y/n I nodded sadly at her and she walked away to sit with Finn and Donna. Then I saw my girlfriend and her friends walk into the bathroom but I didn't think anything of it until her friends walked out without Cassidy. So as they walked back to their lunch table I walked near the Girls bathroom to hear what was going on. As I walked closer to the door of the bathroom I heard Cassidy's friends talking about how Cassidy roasted the shit outta Y/n with the comment she made and I felt bad for y/n not even knowing what Cassidy had said to her.

I couldn't hear anything so I peaked into the bathroom and saw Cassidy try and swing on y/n. That was not a good idea my face still stung from when she slapped me. Well by no surprise y/n dodged it easily and punched Cassidy right in the face. And banged her head Into the sink. I let out a snicker but no one heard.

I stepped out the bathroom looking shocked as I heard the paper towels being thrown on the floor. As y/n walked out she looked at me and nudged me while walking by and going to sit with the others. And I just went to sit down alone again until someone came up to me and tapped me on my back. "Are you coming to sit with us ass fuck?" Some girl said. I looked back and it was y/n. "Really even after what I said." I looked at her in mourning. "Ya I mean you've been saying stuff my whole life I guess I won't hold it against you to much." She said then I went in for the apology as Cassidy walked out looking at us weird but I didn't care. "Look y/n im really sorry about how Iv treated you over the years I don't deserve to be your friend but the things Iv said and done aren't and will never be ok. I'm really sorry for how I treated you and I get it if you don't want me to be your friend or anything to you but I have never felt this bad about something in my life and-." Then she cut me off with a hug and I hugged her back tight. "Now come on "friend" let's go and sit down everyone's waiting for us." As we looked at them they all smiled gently at us And we walked over to them and sat down.

"How's your face feel?" Y/n asked me jokingly. I laughed and nudged her arm. "Don't ask me how I feel ask Cassidy then when your done talking I'll break up with her."  We laughed and I hugged her again and she hugged back finally after hating each other for years I was friends with y/n l/n.


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