Chapter six

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After Donna left and slammed my dang door. Not so slay-. But anyways Gwen, Finney and Robin wanted to stayed a little longer yet they stayed all night. Here's how it went. We all went downstairs and finn started making Mac and cheese. Robin turned on the tv and Gwenny got blankets and pillows. I went over to finney and put my head on his shoulder while my hand were behind my back. Robin looked angry.

As Finn stirred the mac and cheese I went over to Robin and hugged him. I wanted to make him feel better cause I knew that for some reason he was mad. I just didn't know why. I think. But anyways He hugged me back around my neck and picked me up and slammed me onto the couch. I laughed and he started tickling me. Gwen laughed. "You guys would be so cute." She said heading to the kitchen. Finney laughed and me and Robin let go of each other both blushing.

We pulled away fast. I was red. And her... well She was even redder than me. As Finney poored the Mac and cheese into bowls for us we sat on the couch. "So what movie should we watch?" Gwen said. "Oh! Can we please watch Texas chainsaw massacre Iv been wanting to watch it Literally foreverrr." Y/n said. Finney looked at me. And Gwen did to. "Alright let's watch it." Finney said. Gwen looked at y/n and me and started to talk. "Hey Robin isn't that your favorite movie?" She said. I smirked. "Ya it is." I said. Looking at y/n. She looked back at me and blushed.


The movie was over and y/n loved it and it made me happy to see her smile. As we got up and checked the time y/n asked us if we had just wanted to stay over for the night and we all shook our heads yes. She set up an air mattress for me and Finn in her room and her and Gwen were gonna share the bed. That's when Gwen had an idea. "Hey do you guys wanna just like I don't know talk for a bit. I have some things I would really like to tell you." We all looked at each Other and sat down on the air mattress. Me and y/n sitting next to each other with Finn and Gwen on the other sides of us. "So what's up Gwenny?" Y/n said to her. "So you know how me and that kid Bruce have been talking." We all shook our heads yes. "Well we...kissed the other night."

We were all in shock. I looked at Robin and looked back at Gwen and finney hugged her. "Gwen that's awesome really." Said Finney. "It is?" Gwen said to him. "Why wouldn't it be?" Robin said. I nodded in agreement and Gwen looked down. "Well I know that Robin and y/n will be fine but Finney me and him are dating?" Gwen said. I looked at Robin. "Oh shittttttt." I mouthed.

He laughed and Finn looked at her in shock. "Look Gwen I don't care really but just please don't make it weird for me and him. I mean we are kinda friends and now he's dating my sister." I laughed at Finn's face and hugged him. He looked so disgusted. Gwen laughed and Robin did the same.

"It's ok finney you'll find someone." I said rubbing his back in a "comforting" way. Then he whispered in my ear. "If only it was so easy like you and Robin." He said to me smirking. I nudged him in the arm and laughed as he hugged me and I hugged back. "I gotta go to the bathroom." Robin said. "Oh I'll show you where it is!" I said grinning. I took his hand and led him down the hall and as soon I as I opened the door he pulled me In for a kiss. I knew it was to soon but I couldn't help it I liked him for a while and his lips were so soft. Finally.

We both pulled away and starred at each other for a few seconds until he let go of my arms and walked into the bathroom shutting the door lightly. I walked back to my room and I couldn't stop smiling bringing me to tell Gwen and Finney what had just happened and they were in utter shock.

Robin came back from the bathroom and looked at me than the others and they just looked at him jaws dropped. "Uh hey guys you good?" He said sitting down next to me. Their eyes followed him as he sat down now they were starring at both of us. I looked at Robin and he looked back at me. I shrugged and laughed. And he put his hand on mine then quickly pulled away after.

I quickly pulled away. I knew they knew that me and y/n kissed. But I didn't care. I think I loved her and I didn't care what others. thought. "AHHHHH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS." Said Gwen. Y/n looked at her like she was boutta kill her and I laughed rapping my arm around
Y/n. She looked at me and blushing. "Sorry i had to say something." Gwen said. We all laughed and got in bed but Gwen and finn had other suggestions for who slept where. "Uh hey I kinda wanna sleep on the air mattress with Finn is that ok?" She said.

Me and y/n looked at each other and shrugged then sat on her bed pulling up the covers. As we got comfortable we looked at each other and I wrapped her in my arms and she put her head on my chest. I then took my bandanna off and gave it to her. But before she took it she put her wrist out for me to put it on her. I did so and then we cuddled for the rest of the night until morning came and we heard a knock at the door.

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