Chapter 13

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I went up to my room with the list of chores my mom wanted me to do. "esto es un mierda." (This is fucking bullshit). I whispered to myself. Then my mom came barging into my room. "HOLY SHIT WHATTT." I Said to her loud. She looked at me ready to beat my ass. "Sorry, sorry don't Beat me please. What's up?" I said. She let out a laugh. I have to go into work right now so once your done with all your chores could you go pick up some groceries?" She asked me. I groaned in response. "I'm sorry I think I might have messed that sentence up. Your going to pick up groceries before I get back from work. Alright?" I shook my head yes. And she closed my door. "te amo!" She said. "tu tambien te amo" I responded.

I started to deep clean the whole entire house. This was the most boring thing I had ever done. I even looked out the window just to see if anything was happening and I guess something was. I saw a black van and a strange looking man get into it and drive away quickly. Weird much-. Anyway then I got a call from mom. "Hey mijá i changed my mind pick up the groceries tomorrow please!" She said. "Yes mamá." I replied. She then hung up and I did the rest of my chores when all of a sudden knocks came at my door. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR MARINO." Vance? I opened it quickly.

He flew in and slammed the door shut. "NAH CAUSE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE VANCE." I said to him. He looked at me. He was sweaty. Had he been running? "well I- I was walking here to congratulate you on beating up Cassidy cause she's a bitch but then some random dude asked me if I wanted to see a magic trick so duh I obviously said yes cause there ain't no other joy in my life and then he tried to grab me and throw me in his nasty ass van so I ripped of the sun glass he was wearing and he freaked so I ran off as fast as I could not looking back." Wow that was a lot to take in. "Ok um that was a little fast but I think what your trying to tell me is that you almost got kidnapped." He looked at me. "Ye- yes! Yes!" he said throwing his hands up.

I went to the phone and called the police they said they would take him home. We couldn't call the police on the guy cause we didn't then know what his full face looked like or anything else about him. As Vance went home I wished him luck. "Next time open your door a little fucking faster please, thank you." He said. And they drove off. I flicked him off and closed the door to my house. Vance Hopper almost just got kidnapped. Who would the next victim be.

That night Robin called a lot but I didn't think I could've answered. I felt that if I heard his voice I might cry or say something hurtful and that's not how I wanted to end thing with him. And I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. The van. Vance. The police. It was all to much. Then I got another call. Robin. I didn't know what to do I just answered. "Holy fuck what do you want!" I said tears already streaming down my face. "Please Y/n please I'm sorry it was a mistake. Please I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry." He said. Was he crying?

I looked at the phone and then out it back to my ear. "Robin I loved you. But you obviously didn't care. I just need the week and I'll talk to you when I get back too school." The phone was silent. "Goodnight Robin." I said to him trying to hold in my sobs. "Goodnight Y/n." He said back I could tell his nose was stuffy. I hung up the phone and ran into my room. I sobbed for a good 30 minutes. I missed him but it was to soon. And with what he did. I just couldn't.

I fell asleep a few minutes after when all of a sudden i woke up to another knock on the door. "YOU PEOPLE JUST LOVE ME SO DAMN MUCH HUH." I said. I opened the door to see the cops. "Oh not what I was expecting." Than I saw Vance. "Vance?" I said to him. "Can we come in Y/n?" One of the cops said. I cleared the way for them to come in. And they sat me and Vance down on the couch surrounding us. "Vance, Y/n we're gonna have to ask you both a few questions on what you saw, and what happened yesterday." I looked at Vance confused yet worried and he looked back at me same expression. We looked at the cops. There's no way this was gonna end well.

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