Chapter Nine

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Me and Robin both woke up from getting hit with pillows. "Did you guys have a nice nap?" Gwen said. "Yes actually I slept well." Robin responded. We laughed and me and Robin got out of bed. "Wanna meet up with Bruce Gwen. We all haven't really talked to him in a while." I said to her. "YES OH MY GOD PLEASE IV BENN WANTING TO ASK YOU BUT IV BEEN TO SCARED." I laughed and hugged her. Alright where should we tell him to meet?" Robin asked. "Hmmm I don't know wanna ask him?" I said smirking. "Ya obviously but how." Then a knock came from the other side of the door.

I looked at Gwen and Robin put his arm around me. Gwen ran to the door and opened it. "Heyy." Bruce said. Gwen smiled bright and jumped into his arms. "Hi!" She said. He held her and brought her into the house. "Oh my god so help me." Finn said. Me and Robin went over to him. "It's ok Finney we'll find you someone." I said. Robin grabbed his shoulders and led him to the door so we can all greet bruce. "Hey man." Finn said. "Hey what's up." Bruce said. They dabbed each other up and we all went outside. Robin picked me up wedding style and ran us threw the door onto the grass of the front lawn.

We both lay on the grass blushing and laughing at each other. I picked her up and then Finn had a suggestion on what we should do. "oh my god yo guys. We should go to the town pool." He said. We all looked at him. "Nice thinking Finney!" Y/n said to him. He nodded. "I know right what can I say I'm smart." I laughed her grabbed him by the legs tackling him to the ground. "Ugh-." He said in pain. We both started laughing and Gwen spoke up. "ALRIGHT LETS GO GET OUR SWIMSUITS." Gwen said jumping on Y/n's back. She ran around with her and we all went to get our bathing suits. After we all changed we met back up at y/n's house.

I rapped my arms around her and kissed her lightly feeling her soft lips kiss back fast. "Can you guys STOP being so LOVEY DOVEY with each other I'm very lonely right now." Finn said putting on a sad face. I grabbed him. "It's ok you got me." I said rapping my arm around him. "Ya and you got her." He said pointing to y/n. "Ya your not wrong." I said walking over to her. She laughed and took my hand. "ALRIGHT LETS GO." Bruce said. Gwen started clapping he picked her up over his shoulder and she blushed hard. I looked at y/n and saw her wink at Gwen and they both laughed and y/n looked at me. "Your turn." I said.

I turned to look back at him. "Your turn." He said to me. I screamed at loud as I could and he hoisted me on his shoulders. I put my hands on his head. Playing with his hair. It was so soft and shiny. I could play with it forever. As we got to the pool we saw Donna was there to with her little sister. Robin put me down. "Hey donna!" I screamed her way. "Oh my god. Hey guys!" She said running up and hugging me and Gwen. "Oh I always knew that would happen." She said looking at Gwen and Bruce. They both blushed and Donna nudged Gwen in the arm.

Me and Robin looked back at Finn and saw he was blushing harder than he had before. My jaw dropped as I looked back at Donna and saw her starring at him as hard as he was starring at her. Then I whispered in robins ear. I told him my idea and he nodded. Then I yelled. "CHIKEN FIGHT." I yelled. We all jumped in the pool and my plan worked. Gwen was on Bruce, I was on Robin, and Donna was on Finney. "Yes." Me and Robin said at the same time. We high fived and grabbed each other's hand in the middle of it. "Alright LETS SEE WHO WINSSS." Robin screamed and we all started wrestling.

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