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"Oh my god, you're being so dramatic."

Dream rolled his eyes, continuing to walk away from George. No matter how much George whined, begged, and badgered him- Dream had made up his mind.

"There's absolutely no reason for you to have a drawer of your shit in my room." Dream huffed over his shoulder, turning down the hall.

"You're not even listening to me! I just gave you, like, at least five reasons why I do!" George continued to follow after Dream, disregarding the door Dream attempted to shut in his face.

Dream collapsed into his desk chair, not even getting the chance to turn on his monitor before George spun the chair around to face him.

"George, I'm not having this conversation with you for the tenth-"

"I'm in here all the time." George interrupted, holding Dream in place when he tried to turn around again.

"Yeah, I've noticed." Dream sighed, leaning back in the chair. As soon as George could tell Dream wasn't going to turn his attention to the computer, he walked back and sat on Dream's bed.

"I'm in here all the time because when you were showing me the house on call you did a horrible job of showing just how far away my room is from yours." George stated, crossing his arms. Dream continued to dismiss him, shrugging off his complaint.

"Not my fault you have no sense of distance." Dream responded, looking down to check his watch. 10:48pm. They had been going back and forth in this debate for over thirty minutes.

"So that's reason one of why I should get a drawer- the fact my room is a kilometer away from yours. I'm lazy, I don't want to do all that walking." George said, dramatically holding up one finger. Let it be noted the one finger he was holding up was his middle finger.

"That's not a-"

"Reason two-" George interrupted, raising his pointer finger as well. "You don't like my room, so we never hang out there."

"That's because your room sucks." Dream rolled his eyes, a smile creeping up on his face. George was very... passionate when he argued. His face would transform through a series of emotions with every point he made.

"Okay, whatever, fine. My room sucks, sure. So if you refuse to hang out in my room, that means I need to come to yours." George agreed for the sake of his own argument, waving a hand in dismissal.

"Okay, I don't refuse-"

"Reason three, my projector broke in the move, so we need to use your television to watch our shows... which is here- in your room." George continued, pointing to the TV directly across from the bed with one hand and holding up three fingers with the other.

"I'll buy you a new projector." Dream laughed, turning his attention back to his computer. There was nothing on it he actually needed to do, he just wanted an out from this conversation.

"Reas- wait, really?" George asked.

"If it means you'll stop trying to move in with me, then yeah." Dream shook his head, watching George get out of the bed in the reflection of his monitor. His screen booted up after a second before going black again.

Damn it. Of course now his computer decides it's time to update.

"I already moved in with you. Did you forget about the year and a half long wait for my visa? The miserable ten hour flight I took to get here? How about the-"

"That was you moving into the house, our house. I'm talking about you trying to move into my room." Dream sighed, letting George spin him around in his chair again. His computer was going to take a few more minutes to update anyway.

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