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"Dream- Dream! Stop that- oh my god!"

George was panting, doing his best to avoid Dream. Dream, on the other hand, was doing everything in his power to catch George.

They had been running around the living room, dodging and weaving between the furniture. Karl and Sapnap seemed to be on their last stroke of patience with the two, each boy standing from the couch in unison.

"You guys can't just leave me when he's like this!" George called out, looking frantically between Dream and where Sapnap and Karl had started walking off to.

"Hey, if you two aren't going to respect The Nightmare Before Christmas, then we're out of here." Karl shrugged, dragging Sapnap along. Sapnap gave a helpless shrug to George, silently saying he also was hoping to be saved.

George watched them disappear into the hall, his shoulders slumping. George looked up just in time to see Dream jump over the couch that separated them.

"No, no, no-" George started, but he was too late. Dream had grabbed him before he could run away again, throwing George over his shoulder.

"Dream." George whined, elongating his vowels. Dream only laughed in response, carrying George out of the living room.

"Seriously, Dream, I'm going to be sick. Put me down." George groaned, failing miserably at attempting to push himself up to Dream's shoulder. To his surprise, Dream halted his pace, grabbing George by the torso and pulling him off his shoulder.

"Thank y- wait, wait, you're supposed to put me down!" George paused mid thanks, realizing Dream actually had no intention of letting him go. Dream had merely switched from carrying him fireman style to bridal style.

"I don't want you puking on my back, but you're not getting out of it that easily." Dream had a radiant smile, like this was the best day of his life. George, however, was feeling the exact opposite.

"Stop being such a downer! It's going to be great!" Dream leaned down towards George, resulting in George putting up both his hands and pushing Dream's face away.

"I don't want to." George continued to whine, making himself go completely limp in Dream's arms. Dream turned the final corner, kicking open his bedroom door.

"Well, I don't give a damn what you want. We made a bet and you lost- fair and square." Dream smiled just before throwing George onto his bed.

George groaned with the landing, attempting to sit up but quickly deciding against it, flopping over on Dream's bed.

"You cheated." George grumbled.

"I did not cheat. Believe it or not, I'm better than you at chess." Dream laughed, opening his closet doors.

"That was literally the first game you've beat me at in months! You cheated!" George threw his hands in the air, continuing to lay on the bed.

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe I've been planning this for a long time? That I knew I was going to have to let you beat me over and over, so that way when I would bet I'd beat you- I knew you'd take me up on it?" Dream turned around with his arms crossed, a smirk on his face.

George tilted his head up, making eye contact with Dream, his eyebrow raised.

"No. That plan is way too smart for you to have come up with it. You won because I was careless and lost my Rook in-"

"Oh my god, just shut up. I won the bet, which means you have to help me hand out the candy in a costume of my choosing." Dream boasted, turning back to his closet.

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