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George was not prepared for what the rainy season was like in Florida.

"You guys do realize that it rains practically every day in the UK, right?"

George was cursing at himself, walking as quickly as his soaking wet body would allow.

"Your rain is going to be nothing compared to London."

George shook his head, doing his best to quicken his pace after another deafening crash of thunder echoed in the distance.

In his defense, this rain was predicted nowhere on the weather apps and it was sunny without a cloud in sight when he left the house.

"Stupid America with it's stupid weather and it's stupid crappy walkability scores." George muttered to himself.

George was on his way back from what he assumed would be a quick run to the store. Of course, Florida had other plans for him. Again, in his defense, he really thought it wasn't going to rain.

"It's gonna rain."

"Literally no weather radar says it's going to rain."

"You're going to tell me, the born and raised Floridian, that I'm wrong about knowing when it's going to rain?"

"Yes. Literally yes."

"Stupid Dream and his stupid ability to predict the weather." George continued to grumble, cutting through the yard. He had both his arms wrapped tightly around his chest, his bag from the convenience store hanging around his wrist.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." George continued to mutter under his breath. His hands were shaking so much from the cold that he nearly had a breakdown trying to get his key into the lock. To add insult to injury, a gust of wind sprayed George's back with another wave of rain just before he could open the door.

George stepped through the front door, slamming it a bit harder than he intended behind him. He made his way through the front hall, his shoes squeaking against the tile flooring. As if on cue, Dream turned the corner, nearly running into him.

"Oh, oh boy-"

"Shut up. I'm aware you were right about the rain." George grumbled, pushing past Dream as soon as he began laughing.

George couldn't even be bothered to stay back, to have his usual bickering banter with Dream. All he could think about was taking a warm shower to bring back some life to his body.

His bedroom door swung up, Patches looked up from her usual place in the center of his bed. She seemed to be much less interested in his disheveled state than Dream, laying back down instantly.

The hot water turned on with a few sputters. The rain outside had only seemed to grow even heavier, the sound of it pelting against the windows nearly drowning out the shower stream.

George winced as he got in, the hot water burning him to the touch. It was a welcomed pain though, a feeling he knew he would become accustomed to in less than a minute. His body was already feeling worlds better, like he was thawing after a long winter.


George instantly perked up, pulling the shower curtain to the side, sticking his head out.

"Dream?" George asked, locking eyes with an almost worried looking Dream. He was standing in the doorway to his bathroom, a towel draped over his arm.

"Are you going to be out soon?" Dream asked, looking around the room aimlessly.

"In like, ten minutes. Why? And why are you in my ba-" George answered slowly, wiping the excess water off his face.

"Just wondering." Dream said quickly, backing out and closing the door behind him.

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