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Rosy cheeks caused by talking to a crush, feeling embarrassed, getting angry, or even laughing a bit too hard. Dream, however, had quite a few more obscure things that made blood rush to his cheeks.

And unfortunately for him, George seemed to have picked up on them rather quickly.

Hugging. Never mattered who it was with, whether or not he liked them- hugs always made Dream blush. Sapnap had noticed when they first met but quickly forgot about it. George? Not so much.

There was the initial hug at the airport- well, airport parking lot. Dream refused to actually go in with Sapnap to meet George. Dream was able to chock up his rosy cheeks to the Florida heat at the time, but George almost immediately saw through that lie.

Dream didn't have to worry about hugging too much though, since George wasn't the most physically affectionate person. He'd lean into Dream's side, jump on his back, just generally be in his personal space- but not too often would George actually hug Dream.

Where Dream's luck quickly ran out was when George realized that another unusual thing that made him blush was eye contact.

Yes, eye contact.

Maybe it was because he was homeschooled all through high school, maybe it was because he created an entire career out of not having a face in the public eye- either way, Dream didn't often experience eye contact.

Well, that was until George moved in. George had this unholy desire to make eye contact during every single conversation. It was to the point where Dream would find any meaningless task to do whenever George would talk to him- finding any excuse to avoid said eye contact.

Again, unfortunately for Dream, George picked up on this habit of his rather quickly. Dream would still cringe just thinking about the time George cornered him, demanding an explanation for why he could never focus on a conversation with him.

Let's just say, George's favorite pass-time soon became seeing just how many ways he could make the apples of Dream's cheek glow.

"Alright, I'm out. I'll see you guys next week!" Sapnap called out, already halfway out the front door. As soon as the door closed, George turned to Dream on the couch, rolling his eyes.

"I really don't see why he's going to Karl's when I just got here a couple weeks ago. What, am I- are we not good enough for him?" George scoffed, plopping on the couch with his arms crossed.

"He goes up like once a month. He already pushed his visit back a week." Dream shrugged, turning up the volume on the TV.

"Okay, but we have this huge house. Why doesn't Karl come down here?" George was practically whining, falling to his side to lay on the couch.

Dream looked down momentarily at George, whose head was just a few inches from his thigh. His hair was getting quite overgrown again, nearly as long as Dream's.

"Karl was literally visiting when you first got here and he's going to be back in a month to finish the design on his room. I don't know what to tell you." Dream shrugged, turning his attention back up to the TV.

"Dream?" George said more softly, his voice almost drowned out by the Criminal Minds intro.

"Yeah?" Dream answered, looking down to see George already looking up at him. He looked pretty funny from this angle- his head tilted back into the couch so he could see Dream, his dusty rose colored eye bags a bit more prominent.

Dream looked away as soon as George started to smile, an abrupt laugh following. He'd be kidding himself if he pretended that he couldn't tell his cheeks were already warm to the touch.

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