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"You literally have Punz with you, you don't need us." George shrugged, leaning against a railing, using one hand to fan himself. Dream regretted not bringing an extra hat for George.

"There are four seats to a cart- we literally do need you guys!" Sapnap countered, grabbing onto Dream's arm, attempting to pull him into line.

"I made it very clear before I agreed to coming that I wouldn't be riding anything that went higher in the air than I am tall." Dream easily pulled his arm out of Sapnap's grasp. He looked over to George, still a bit concerned for him.

He didn't like the way George's face was quite pink and how a thin line of sweat had accumulated around his hairline, beginning to drip down the side of his face. Giving someone a jacket when they're cold is easy enough, but there really isn't much you can do when someone is too hot.

"I'm just asking for you guys to ride one-"

"No." George interrupted with a groan, walking away from the line.

"Sorry, you know how I am with heights." Dream shrugged, genuinely feeling a bit guilty that Sapnap and Punz would end up riding with two strangers. He did make his stance very clear before they left and Sapnap had no problems with it when they were at the house.

Dream followed after George, quickly catching up after a few strides.

"Wait here." Dream instructed, pulling George a bit to the side so he was at least partly standing in the shade.

"Fine." George grumbled, taking his bag off his back and digging through it.

Dream headed back to a small stand selling water he passed while catching up to George. The water bottles were insanely overpriced, but that's how everything was at amusement parks.

"Hydrate." Dream said, handing out one water bottle to George.

"I don't want that." George said, pushing Dream's hand back towards him.

"Wha- George, drink the water." Dream repeated, disbelief circling his thoughts. He cracked open the bottle, holding it back out to George.

"It's heavy to carry and it'll make me need to pee." George said, ignoring Dream's outstretched hand all together this time, continuing to dig through his bag.

"That's so stupid, you need water. Jesus, what are you looking for? You've been digging around that bag for five minutes." Dream sighed, setting down the water bottle next to George and taking a sip from the one he bought for himself.

"I can't find my sunglasses. I think I left them in the car." George groaned, holding up a hand to block the sun, despite the fact he was primarily in the shade.

"Drink the damn water. I'll be right back." Dream rolled his eyes, pointing to the open water bottle before heading back to the same stand he bought the water from.

Dream grabbed three pairs of sunglasses off the small spinning rack, mentally rolling his eyes that each cheap pair that must've taken $1 to manufacture rang up at $25 a piece. Again, overpriced amusement parks.

"Take your pick." Dream sighed, holding out the sunglasses to George. To his surprise, George groaned, sitting next to the water bottle. Dream was at least relieved to see that George had drunk a bit of it.

"You keep bringing me things that I'm going to have to carry. Stop." George whined, fanning his face with his hand.

"I'll put the water and extra sunglasses in my bag, you big baby." Dream rolled his eyes, tossing the pair he assumed George would like the most into his lap.

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