Three, Possessed

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 Elliana had had amazing night after amazing night with Jason. Except right at that moment, things didn't seem so amazing. In fact, they were taking an unexpectedly horrifying turn. And Elliana knew that they were about to get much, much worse.

They had always been careful. Elliana and Jason had almost always made sure that if they were at her house, they couldn't hang out for more than an hour.

Jason had a condition that came with the genetic manipulation he had endured to become his alligator-like self. If he was away from water for more than an hour, he could get really sick, and possibly even die. It caused him to lose track of himself, and he became a crazed water needing maniac. It wasn't his fault of course, but that didn't make it any less scary.

This had happened four times before. The first time, Elliana didn't know what was going on, so when she tried to help, he ended up throwing her across the room. Multiple times. But of course it still wasn't his fault. The next few times, Elliana had learned how to handle it.

And so this time she knew to take him to the mini-pond in her garden.

She stepped forward and began dragging him outside. She stopped short in front of the pond, expecting him to jump in. He still recognised water, and should have known to jump in.

Except he didn't.

She stood and waited for him to go into the water. But he still didn't. She didn't understand what was going on. Usually any water appealed to him. She'd seen him trying to crawl into her sink multiple times. Usually a pond full of water would have worked perfectly.

When he still didn't move, Elliana stepped forward in an attempt to push him in. She put her arms forward and began to push him. Usually he wouldn't be strong enough, he was usually a lot weaker if he was in this condition. But he remained still as a statue. She tried pressing her back against his and putting all of her body weight into pushing him, but it didn't work. He didn't budge. Didn't move an inch.

Elliana considered calling a friend. Emily took gymnastics and was one of the strongest people Elliana knew. Surely she'd be able to get Jason to budge. She also had a few other friends from her school. Not close friends, but surely the two of them, plus Elliana and Emily would be able to get Jason into the water. She didn't have much time though, so she began to run to her room to find her cell phone, when she was yanked back.

She looked behind her to see Jason clutching her wrist. She tried to pull away, but his grip was iron. The more she tried to pull away, the more he tightened his grip, until the point when it began to hurt her.

"Jason, let go of me." Elliana said.

The only response she got was his grip tightening even more.

"Jason... Jason, you're hurting me." She said, his hold tightening with every passing second. "Jason! Let go!" His nails began to dig into her skin. "Jason! Jason, you're hurting me! Let go! Let go, you're-"

Her voice cut off as his fingers pierced through her skin. She watched in horror and pain as dark red liquid began streaming out. Ellisns cried out in pain. Where had her mother gone?

"Jason! Let go! JASON!" She yelled, her cries getting louder as he dug his fingers deeper into her skin. "STOP!"

She didn't know why or how, but suddenly Rebecca was there. Across Elliana's driveway, climbing the window Jason usually went in through. Elliana questioned why she was there. Could she sense Jason when he was in this condition? Was it just a coincidence? Frankly, Elliana didn't care.

"REBECCA! Rebecca, help! HELP!" Elliana yelled.

Rebecca's head snapped to the side as she seemed to notice that Elliana and Jason weren't in Elliana's room. Then she acknowledged the scene. She dropped down and sprinted over to them. She took about three seconds to examine their positions, before going towards the lake and splashing him. She splashed him multiple times. Elliana just stood. Jason wasn't holding her any tighter, but his fingers were so far into her wrist that she couldn't see his nails. And it hurt.

Elliana X JasonWhere stories live. Discover now