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'Come on Yunho don't cry, not now, it's not the right time' Yunho's inner voice begged in his mind as his eyes looked at his own bag on the floor, next to his school supplies spread all over the floor.
They did it again, they're new hobby was to steal Yunho's bag and drop all of his supplies. But today it was worse, they wrote on every of his copybook "FAGGOT" with a red pen.

"Fuck" Yunho whispered as he picked up his stuff. It was probably Jeno, Chenle, or one of those 'popular boys' who did that, like always. Sometimes the guys from the basketball club like Yeosang and San would join them. The other students would always insult him anyways but it was only words, even if it hurts it was less bad than actions.

Yunho was walking to his locker when he heard laughs et whispers around him, he only noticed the reasons for the laughs when he saw his locker. Again, Yunho slowly felt tears coming back in his eyes as he read what his bully wrote on his locker. "HI I'M YUNHO AND I'M A DISGUSTING FAG" was written on his white locker with what looked like paint
... or blood. "Make it stop please" The boy whispered to himself as he opened his locker, ashamed. 'Fuck- Yunho breath in, breath out, don't fucking cry now and here' he tried to convince himself but he just couldn't breathe, it was as if someone was casually sitting on his chest. 'Please make it stop' he thought has his hand made its way to his chest, he couldn't manage to breathe.

He just wanted Seonghwa to be here, only he could help him with his problems, he was his best and his only friend. His other hand naturally found his phone and called Seonghwa. The older boy knew Yunho only call him while he works when it was an emergency so he picked up "Yunho you ok?" Seonghwa's soft voice spoke. "Yunho? Talk to me please, tell me everything is ok" Yunho had to tell Seonghwa what he lived at school, all the bullying, so Seonghwa was really worried, what if Yunho was getting beaten? "Can't breath" Yunho managed to say, Seonghwa's voice calming him a little.

"Is it a panic attack again? I'm here with you Yunho, please stay focused on your breathing, breathe in then breathe out slowly...Can you do that for me Yunho?" Seonghwa knew that Yunho often had this kind of panic attack when he was at school but it freaked him out every time, he loved his best friend more than anything. Yunho did what Seonghwa told him to do and he slowly but surely managed to breathe again. "T-Thank you Seonghwa, I'm sorry for disturbing you when you were working" Yunho apologized with a small voice, genuinely feeling bad for Seonghwa. He got a scoff as an answer.

"Don't ever apologize for that Yunho, I'll always be here for you, always you hear me? Now go to your class or else you'll be late" Seonghwa replied, then stopped the call before Yunho could answer, fearing that the boy will be late for his class. The boy who just had a panic attack smiled at himself thinking that Seonghwa, his best friend was too good for this world.

☆ ⸺ 🦢🍥 !

Actually class went not too bad even if Yunho was exhausted he tried to stay focused the whole morning, and he succeeded, it was now lunchtime and the young boy felt relieved that nobody came to insult him during the morning classes.

As Yunho thought he was alone in the corridor - he was always eating there because nobody ever came here during lunch, even if he was sat on the floor it was still nice - he heard laughs, then a familiar voice spoke "Did you see what Jeno and Mark did this morning? They tagged his locker with paint, they're genius" Yunho recognized San's voice, he knew the basketball player's voice well since the boy was in many of his classes and, like the other students, had insulted him many times. "This fucking fag only deserves that, he even started to cry and he couldn't even breathe after seeing his locker, Chenle even told me he had to call his friend to calm down but honestly... I don't think he has any friends at all" another voice - It was Yeosang's- could be heard in the corridor. Soon, Yunho saw him and his friend group walking in the said corridor, however, they seemed like they didn't see Yunho yet. Yunho missed the dark eyes of one of them staring at him.

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