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He shouldn't have let the door open. The smell... The fucking smell of weed. Wooyoung hated it. Even with the tears accumulated in the corner of his eyes, Wooyoung eye's felt dry. His head was spinning, memories and torments haunting his thoughts. He felt like he was going to faint. Without even knowing it, his feet were dragging his body to his brother's room.

Without bothering to knock, he opened the door to only find his brother, Yunho and an unknown boy looking at him. Wooyoung hadn't noticed he was crying before one of the tears went into his mouth. It was salty. He hated it. It remembered him of his past: The weed, the tears.

"Wooyoung ?" Yunho was the first to speak, his gaze was full of worry. The latter got up off the bed to reach the younger, his hands were comfortably on Wooyoung's cheeks, wiping his tears away with his thumbs. "What's going on Woo?" The familiar voice of his brother calmed Wooyoung a little. 'Hongjoong's here... Hongjoong is always here and will always be'

"They're doing drugs and- fuck I'm such a kid b-but the smell and everything it just-" He couldn't finish his sentence as he cracked up again, the tears falling from his eyes, his brother didn't hesitate and got up to hug his brother. The taller boy, feeling awkward, just moved as he was now beside the bed, still worried about Wooyoung.

"You're not acting like a kid Wooyoung. You can't control it... We can't control our trauma. Cry if you need it. Look I'm here, I'll never let you down." Hongjoong whispered into his brother's ear before stepping back. "Seonghwa and I are going to get Wooyoung some water and his meds, watch him Yunho please" Wooyoung's brother spoke before taking Seonghwa's hand and walking out of the room, letting Yunho and Wooyoung alone.

"Wooyoung-" "Yunho-" The both of them spoke at the same time. 'It's embarrassing' "Talk first Wooyoung" Yunho softly said, his arms were awkwardly hanging along his figure, the poor boy didn't know if he should hug the younger. "Thank you" Wooyoung said then, he couldn't resist hugging the taller boy.

Yunho was shocked but he returned the hug. "Yunho?" After some seconds Wooyoung spoke, breaking the yet awkward yet comforting silence, Wooyoung was way calmer now, his breathing was normal, his heart wasn't beating too fast anymore. "Yes?" The taller replied, looking at Wooyoung, his arms still around Wooyoung's shoulders. "I don't care if you're gay or not, I want to be your friend" He said, his grip around Yunho's waist tightening.

Before the latter could answer, Wooyoung's brother and Seonghwa came back into the room with a glass of water and what looked like pills. "Did you take them today ?" Hongjoong asked his little brother, handing him the pills and the glass.

"No I forgot sorry Hongjoong" The younger said as he moved away from Yunho who he was previously embracing in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry for disturbing you" Wooyoung continued, taking the meds and drinking a bit. "Can... Can I stay a bit?"

"Sure! Stay with us Woo !" His brother exclaimed as Seonghwa stayed silent, not knowing what to do. "I'll stay just a little bit, I don't want my friends to look for me" Wooyoung said as a weak smile took place on his face. Yunho's shoulders stiffen at the mention of Wooyoung's friends, only the younger noticed but he said nothing. 'I'll protect Yunho from them'

☆ ⸺ 🦢🍥 !


"Fuck fuck he's wasted! Wooyoung will kill us" Saying San was stressed was an understatement. Mingi was here, in front of him and beside Yeosang, talking nonsense as he couldn't even manage to walk. "Where the fuck Wooyoung even is?" Yeosang said through his gritted teeth, holding Mingi tightly. "This fucker is heavy" he continued making Mingi giggle. Not that it was funny or anything but Mingi wasn't even himself anymore. He was so wrecked he couldn't even think straight, alcohol and drugs got the best of him.

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