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"Can you tell me that again?" The therapist's voice echoed in the almost empty room. "I said I like to break people to re-build them like I want. You deaf or something ?" The young boy grunted, the therapist's behavior was visibly annoying him.

"And do you also do that with the person you love?" She asked, trying to sound friendly so the boy could tell her everything. "I don't love anyone except my mom. She's everything to me, I won't do anything that could hurt her" he chuckled, thinking the therapist was just ridiculous and dumb.

"And do you like anyone ?" She asked, writing on a piece of paper some things. "I like my friends, I don't love them though, they can be assholes." The boy answered, fidgeting with his hoodie paws. He didn't even know why he was still answering her stupid questions, it's not like a therapist ever helped him anyway.

"Tell me Mingi, what do you do to 'break people and rebuild them' explain with your words, I'm here to help you" her voice was sweet but it only made him more mad "I manipulate them, I make them think they're important for me then I remodel them as I want so they do everything for me. It's easier than you think." Mingi chuckled, he knew this therapist will go away and don't accept him, like always.

It was like Mingi scared all his therapists. Dara? She escaped the city after seeing Mingi only three times. Yuju? She did like Dara. His third therapist, Seunghee was also the one who stayed for the longest time, she was sweeter than the others but she suddenly didn't want to see Mingi. Then, the last therapist he saw was Kun, a male a bit older than him, but like the others, he didn't think he could help Mingi.

So here he was, with Gyuri, his new therapist. Her fake-sweet tone and her gentle eyes pissed Mingi off. Like the others, she will judge him and just give up.

"Mingi can you explain me why you do that? Do you even know why ?" Her eyes were staring at Mingi's eyes, unlike the others, her gaze wasn't cold and visibly disgusted by Mingi, she was a lot softer. But Mingi was sure she faked it: 'why would someone look at me with a gentle look when they knew I am an asshole?'

"Fuck you" Mingi suddenly spat, frowning angrily. "Stop talking to me like I'm a fucking kid" he continued, raising his voice a little. "Mingi I'm here to help you, I know you're not a bad guy, you just need to cooperate with me" Gyuri, the therapist said as her hand made its way to Mingi's arm, gently stroking it to calm Mingi down. 'Why is she touching me... fuck I want to punch her so bad'

"Don't touch me" he coldly said, his eyebrows still furrowed.

☆ ⸺ 🦢🍥 !


Yunho woke up at the sound of his step-father yelling, he was still a bit asleep but he heard clearly what Binyoung was saying. "So what? You're accepting this fucking faggot? He is gross don't you understand? You even said he was a disgusting shit last time" It deeply affected Yunho, even his mother couldn't understand him. "He is my son Binyoung! J-just don't hit him!" Yunho's mom argued, it was the first time Yunho ever heard her stand for him. However before he had the time to say something, he heard her scream in pain: Binyoung had hit her. "Don't fucking yell at me" Binyoung said as he walked up to Yunho's room. 'Fuck stop that please' Yunho pleaded in his thought as he put his hands over his ears so he couldn't hear anything anymore.

Binyoung brutally opened the door of the young boy's room. "Oh you're already woken up fag? Do you even know what you obligated me to do? I messed with her pretty face because of you" Binyoung was obviously talking about what happened previously with Yunho's mom. "Apologize" Binyoung demanded, he often told Yunho to apologize, even for the smallest things, it just made him feel like he could control Yunho and be stronger than him.

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