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"I heard it all" Yunho whispered in Wooyoung's ear as Yeosang and Jongho were walking towards them. "Me too" Wooyoung replied while he took a deep breath.

"Wooyoung. Did you-" Yeosang started to question the younger but he got cut off by the said boy. "Yes, I heard your conversation. And I won't say it to San and Mingi." He coldly stated, making Yunho's ears perk up at the mention of the tall and tough boy. "You're not homophobic?" Yeosang widened his eyes as he spoke. "Yeosang. I got adopted by two women. Of course, I'm not homophobic !" The younger exclaimed, his hands finding the older's shoulders, giving the stiffened shoulders a gentle squeeze.

Yeosang was speechless, never he thought his friend would be so understanding, it felt good to be accepted. "I won't repeat what I heard too." Yunho said as if all the shits Yeosang did to him before were erased from his mind. Yunho wasn't the kind of guy who likes to take revenge anyway, he, more than anyone, knew what will happen if he spilled Yeosang's secret. "Thank you and s-sorry" Yeosang apologized, stuttering slightly as his cheeks turned red.

"Well, if you're finished, may I steal you Yeosang again, we have some things to talk about." The youngest among all spoke, grabbing Wooyoung's hands to remove them from Yeosang's shoulders then, he took hold of the latter's hands and walked away, dragging Yeosang around.

"That was... unexpected?" Yunho said, more like a question. "Right. Are you feeling better? I mean you know last time you were kind of bruised up." Wooyoung awkwardly said, trying to hold a conversation with Yunho. "Yeah I'm feeling better, Seonghwa gave to me concealer- not that I needed it to cover my bruises! Not at all ahah! You know I just fell down my stairs. Ah...ahah" The older oddly replied, letting fake laughs out of his mouth.

"You fell from the stairs? Ouch must hurt like hell" Wooyoung gently replied, obviously not believing a word that fell from Yunho's mouth. Then, a deafening silence overwhelmed the two boys, they could almost hear the flies flying around. "Anyways you're not going to eat Yunho ?" Wooyoung asked to break the silence. "I'm not hungry. I ate a lot this morning" Yunho lied but his stomach rumbled loudly, like to tell Wooyoung that it wasn't true.

"Come on Yunho, I even know people that would love to eat with you" Wooyoung smiled brightly, making the older's heart skip a beat. Yunho never had friends, he always ate alone in the corridor. " Are you sure? What would the other think? What if they make fun of me ?" Yunho rambled.

"Yunho. Yena and Yuri are the kindest girls alive." Wooyoung spoke then, tiptoeing because Yunho is way too tall, he threw an arm around the taller's weak shoulders and turned his heels, walking with the shocked and speechless boy to the crowded cafeteria but right in front of the said cafeteria, Wooyoung let go or Yunho. "I can't walk with you... You know I-" Wooyoung started to search for an excuse but Yunho cut him off before he could finish. "I understand Wooyoung, you're popular, you have nothing to do with me." Yunho sighed. "Yena is the girl in all pink with two pigtails, you can't miss her. She's with Yuri, a more simple girl." Wooyoung explained and slightly pushed Yunho into the cafeteria with a 'good luck Yunho'.

Yunho felt like all eyes were on him. He searched for some seconds for the girls then he saw two girls alone, one with two pigtails on either side of her head and another with a classy and rich vibe with long brown hair. Yunho walked to them, avoiding Mingi and San's table only to sit some tables away, next to two girls Yumho never saw before.

"Ayo Yuri look who's there! You're Yunho right ?" One of them said with her bright and high-pitched voice. "Hi... Can I sit with you ?" Yunho shyly asked to the girl he believed to be Yena. "Obviously you can sit! We wanted to invite you to eat with us for so long but you never even looked at us" the loud girl pouted, pushing Yunho onto the chair next to her. The quietest of the two, Yuri, sweetly waved at Yunho and started to introduce herself but Yena cut her off "Oh. My. God." She gasped loudly. "Your face is even prettier close-up! I want you to be the model for my makeup!" She added, her voice obnoxiously loud. Yunho laughed a little but still refused the girl's offer politely. "Come on Yunho! Since the beginning of the year I want you to be my model, you can't refuse !" She shook Yunho's shoulder as she whined, making the boy hiss in pain but she didn't seem to notice. "I'll think about it" He replied, trying to hide his discomfort.

The three of them ate together, not caring about the whispers of the other students. Yunho almost felt happy, he ate -almost- normally, with -almost- normal friends, and for the first time, all the angry and judgmental stares almost didn't bother him.

"I'm gonna go, my class starts soon" Yunho explained as he got up. "But you almost didn't eat anything" Yuri softly spoke as she was staring at the plate in front of Yunho. "I ate a lot this morning" Yunho lied before waving at the girls and walking away as fast as he could, not letting them reply.

As the boy was practically running, he tripped over a leg that was obviously just there to make him fall. He felt his body fall on the ground with a loud 'boom' and then, the sound of muffled laughter invaded the air. "Oh... I didn't do it on purpose." The owner of the leg sarcastically said. Yunho didn't even need to look up to know who it was ; it was Lee Jeno and he knew his deep voice by heart.

When Yunho was about to get up, strong arms pushed him back then, while his eyes were still stuck to the ground, he felt a liquid, like water, dripping on his head, neck, and then on his back but it smelled different, it smelled disgusting.

The students gasped around Yunho, and most of them laughed. Finally, Yunho found the courage to look up only to meet Jeno's cold eyes, he had a -now empty- banana milk in his head. 'So that's what he spilled on me' Yunho thought. "Watch out, loser" Jeno groaned as he kicked Yunho's empty and bruised stomach with force.

"S-Stop !" A melodious voice resonated in the whole cafeteria. "Lee Jeno let him alone" The girl yelled again, Yunho recognized this voice; it was Yuri, the quieter girl. She got up from her chair, soon followed by Yena, and the two girls walked to Yunho, picked him up then left the cafeteria with the tall boy.

☆  ⸺   🦢🍥   !

After Yuri and Yena took care of Yunho, they advised him to go back to his house because his state wouldn't permit him to work normally, at first he was strongly disagreeing but after some minutes he accepted. So here he was, walking to his room, hoping that his dad won't be home. His mom won't be there since she works.

But when he opened the front door, he was met with two loud voices. Binyoung and another unknown voice. "Look who's here! You're not at school idiot ?" Binyoung exclaimed when he laid his eyes on Yunho.

That's when Yunho saw him. It was a friend of Binyoung, and he knew him well, so damn well, and he knew he was never here without reason. "Hi, pretty." The guy smirked, looking at Yunho with a smirk.

'Shit... N-No not again.' Yunho pleaded.

"Well, since I and your mom go on a trip tomorrow, I'll go get the groceries, I'll let you with Minseong." Binyoung winked at his friend and got up, walking out of the house without forgetting to push Yunho's shoulder with his own.

"Yunho. You've grown up." The old man chuckled.


☆  ⸺   🦢🍥  


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