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...Hypothetically" Yunho breathily said, his eyes lost in Wooyoung's hooded eyes. The latter moved closer to Yunho and Yunho didn't move a bit, instead, one of his hands found Wooyoung's side.

As Yunho was holding the younger's waist with a single hand, the latter's face got closer and closer to Yunho's every second. "Let's be clear... I don't like you or something" Wooyoung whispered as his face was now only few inches away from Yunho's. "Me neither" The older replied as quietly as Wooyoung.

Then, their lips touched. At first, none of them dared to move then, after few seconds, Wooyoung started to move his lips against Yunho's lips. And the latter soon followed.

They were licking and sucking each other lips until Yunho bit Wooyoung's lower lip. They weren't aware of what they were doing, they were too drunk and frustrated to even care.

Wooyoung opened his mouth, letting Yunho insert his tongue in it. Then, the two boys fought for dominance, their teeth and tongue colliding against each other. "Shit" Wooyoung moaned between kisses.

Surprisingly, Yunho was really good at it, as if he was doing this his whole life. It kind of shocked Wooyoung how good of a kisser Yunho was, he was only the shy introvert who has no friends after all. Taken aback, Wooyoung had no choice but to be submissive under Yunho's dominance.

"We'll probably not even remember that when we'll wake up" Wooyoung added, his lips leaving Yunho's to find the said boy's neck. "It's exactly why I kissed you back, because we won't remember" Yunho replied, his hand caressing Wooyoung's hair.

They both knew it was an error, they knew they shouldn't do that but the temptation was too hard to handle. Even if it was just the effect of the alcohol, they just couldn't resist, the desire was too strong.

"Hmm" Wooyoung hummed and kissed the taller's jaw. The action made Yunho tighten his fist around Wooyoung's hair. "You know you're good at kissing hyung" Wooyoung commented before planting a dozen of kisses on Yunho's jaw and neck. "Really?" Yunho blushed as he tilted his head to leave Wooyoung more space to kiss him.

"When did you learn to kiss like that?" The younger chuckled, slightly biting the tall boy's neck, even drunk, he still remembered to not leave marks. "I have my ways" Yunho answered with a slight smile.

He couldn't be honest, he couldn't say that he was getting used by his step-father's friend. Actually, he didn't even remember at that moment, it was just Wooyoung and him.

Then, a couple of moans could be heard, making the two boys widen their eyes. "Don't tell me it's what I think" Yunho laughed, suddenly feeling a lot more sober than before. "It's from my brother's room right?" Wooyoung replied, getting off of Yunho. "That broke the mood" the younger pouted but when Yunho was going to answer him, another moan resonated in the room. "Oh fuck I recognized Seonghwa's voice that's gross as fuck" Yunho whined, hiding his face in one of the pillows.

"Why the hell your room is next to Hongjoong's when you literally live in a fucking mansion?" He added, his voice a little bit muffled by the pillow. "Shut up I just want to end myself right now" Wooyoung cried, making Yunho laugh.

Then, a comforting silence invaded the room... Well only if you omit the loud moans coming from Hongjoong's room.

"You know..." Wooyoung broke the silence. "Mingi wanted your Instagram. And I told him your username. If he does something wrong tell me" he said, putting the cover over their bodies.

"He followed me not so long ago" Yunho replied, getting more comfortable on the bed.

Wooyoung said nothing but deep down, he was very worried. Because Mingi never does something without reason. And the whole thing with Yunho was getting suspicious.

But it's not as if he could do something anyway.

☆  ⸺   🍥🦢 !



Didn't know you have IG

Didn't know you were up at seven in the morning

Eh since when you're rude?

Since when are you interested in me?

Come on Yunho don't be like that
Don't you remember?
Our little encounters at Wooyoung and the street?
Anyway what're you doing?

Am at a friend's house

Yunho looked at Wooyoung's sleeping figure beside him and chuckled. Is Wooyoung his friend? Not really. But he just couldn't tell Mingi that he was at Wooyoung's place.

Wanna see you

Well I can't

Comeon Yunho
I really want to see you
Let's meet up tday
To apologize for Jeno's behavior

It's Jeno's fault tho
Not yours



Like last night
When we saw each other near the park

When you cried?

I'm gonna block you

Ok ?
I don't care
You talked to me in the first place

See ya later. Around 12am.

Yunho felt Wooyoung's body move beside him. "My head hurts" Wooyoung whined. "You drank too much Woo" Yunho laughed and put his phone on Wooyoung's nightstand, trying to forget about the weird texts Mingi sent him.

"Hi kiddos!" Hongjoong opened the door with a smile as he was holding two glasses of water and some things that looked like medicine.

"Slept well?" The older boy asked his brother and Yunho, handing them the water. "Yeah. Could've been better if you'd been quieter." Wooyoung scolded.

Hongjoong's eyes widened as his mouth opened, forming an "o".

"Yes we heard you."

☆  ⸺   🍥🦢 !

Short chapter, just wanted to update.

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