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"Yunho you can't go back there ! Sleep at mine... I-I can't let this man ruin your face and just let it go like it's nothing !" Seonghwa examined the younger boy's face, noticing the little cuts on his cheeks. "I tried t-to hide it wi-with makeup but people at school n-noticed, I heard them whispering about me. I think they believe it's Je-Jeno who beat me up." Yunho couldn't talk properly as he was crying, his eyes were everywhere except on Seonghwa, he just could not look the older in the eye, he was ashamed.

"Yunho look at me" Seonghwa grabbed the younger chin to make him look at him. "I don't care what people at your school think, I just want you to stay at my place so you can be safe." Seonghwa insisted as he put on Yunho's cheek healing cream, his other hand still maintaining the younger chin so he wouldn't move away.

"I can't... If he finds out I'm not at home it will be worse" Yunho had a lump in his throat, talking about his stepfather was stressing him out. "I should go now"

"Let me at least give you something to eat Yunho... You look so weak." It wasn't judgmental at all, Seonghwa was genuinely worried for his best friend who was visibly losing weight every time he saw him.

Seonghwa didn't wait for an answer, he went to his kitchen to make sandwiches for the younger boy. He put them in Yunho's bag along with healing cream and he finally handed the bag to the latter.

"Don't forget to eat and put healing cream on your cheeks, right ? Text me when you're home" Yunho smiled at the older's words, his glassy eyes were forming small crescent. 'Seonghwa really cares about me, Seonghwa is my real family.'

☆ ⸺ 🦢🍥 !

The walk home was quiet, Seonghwa had to let Yunho go home alone since he had to work. Surprisingly Binyoung didn't ask why Yunho was late, he was probably too busy watching TV to notice Yunho. The young boy didn't forget to send a text to Seonghwa, telling him he was home safe- not really-. He loved how Seonghwa cared.

Now, he was alone in his room, eating the sandwiches Seonghwa made him, it was delicious. He was about to eat the second one but he was interrupted by the sound of his door opening violently soon followed by the loud voice of his stepfather, he flinched, feeling a knot forming in his -almost- empty stomach

"What are you doing Yunho ? What's that?" Binyoung grabbed the sandwich before Yunho could eat it. Binyoung scoffed. "Were you going to eat that ? You're already so fat Yunho. You're disgusting"

"Nobody wants to see your body because you are disgusting, I tried to help you, I'm nice to you but look at you Yunho..." Binyoung went closer.

"I always try to help you, you're ill don't you see ? I tried to heal you but you don't even try to heal yourself. After all these years, you're still a fag, you're still fat. You're ill Yunho, you're sick. I really tried to help you, I'm a way too kind to you, you don't deserve that."

After all these years of being told that, Yunho started to believe Binyoung's words. Maybe he was right, maybe he was ill, maybe he was too fat, maybe his body was disgusting. 'Maybe I don't deserve Binyoung's attention'

"Look, I'll help you again. By depriving you of food, I'll help you. You should be thankful" Was the last thing Binyoung said before exiting the young boy's room, forgetting why he came in the room in the first place. Yunho couldn't stop the tears from falling off his eyes, he felt weak, he needed fresh air, he just wanted to breathe.

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