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As Yunho opened slowly his eyes, still feeling numb, the young boy heard his mom's voice whispering beside him "Yunho you promised me to not do that again." She sounded worried.

She apparently carried Yunho to the sofa, it was honestly kind of surprising since her body was really weak and even if Yunho was really light-weighted, she'd probably used all the strength she had in herself to carry her son.

"Yunho look at me" she whispered when she finally saw that Yunho's eyes were open. Yunho's eyes slowly found his mother's dark and livid ones. "First, drink that" she handed him a glass of cold water which Yunho took with his shivering hand, then he slowly drank, the iced water slowly falling down his throat.

"Second...Eat that, I know it's not tasty but it's the only food I found" Her hand containing the small piece of bread made its way to Yunho's mouth, feeding him. "Last thing I wanted to tell you is...hum... In two days Binyoung and I are going to a sort of seminar, you know a travel for his work"

Yunho felt like he could breathe again, Binyoung won't be here for several days, he couldn't be happier yet... something was off, something felt weird. "You-You're going to be alone with him ?" Yunho weakly whispered, grabbing his mother's hand tightly. "Yeah ! Like many times before. Don't worry Yunho" She reassured him by giving him a sweet smile.

"Now you should go to bed Yunho and please don't sneak out again without telling me" Yunho only nodded before he got up, his head spinning a little, then he slowly walked to his room, his mother staring at him, the same weak smile she had before plastered on her face.

☆  ⸺   🦢🍥   !


Wooyoung wasn't THAT stupid, he saw that Mingi was acting weird. He wasn't listening to them, then when the conversation was about "the fag", he would suddenly have an odd interest in what they said. But Wooyoung wasn't clever though... 'I hope Mingi doesn't do anything stupid which can hurt Yunho, I won't let him do that'

Mingi was getting suspicious and Wooyoung didn't like it at all. Maybe Yunho and he were not friends but Wooyoung never liked how badly the taller boy was treated.

"He didn't show up today" San said with a fake pout, obviously talking about Yunho. "Why do we care about the f-fag?" Wooyoung hated himself for saying this word but his friends should not know his secret, especially San, he wouldn't understand.

"Woo is right though, let's not care about Yunho" Yeosang said while he was munching his chicken. Suddenly, the latter choked on his chicken, heavy cough were emerging from his mouth as his glassy eyes were lost somewhere behind Wooyoung.

As San was helping Yeosang by slapping his back, Wooyoung turned around to see what-or who- Yeosang was looking at. His eyes soon found a boy with dark brown hair, he was seemingly younger but also seemed way stronger than any of Wooyoung's friends, even though he was wearing a big sweater, Wooyoung knew that he could crush bones only with his strong arms. 'Why is Yeosang staring at this guy?' The said guy was now walking toward them, he had a strong yet cute aura.

"Hey Yeosang, you alright?" The boy asked when he reached their table. Yeosang wasn't coughing anymore but his eyes were watering. "Yeah I-I just choked on my food... ahah" Yeosang fake laughed... he was flustered? The Kang Yeosang was flustered? 'How weird'

"How have you been since the last holidays?" The dark-haired boy asked Yeosang, a gummy smile taking place on his perfect face. "Hum- Honestly I'm okay and you ? What are you doing here I thought you lived far away-" Yeosang couldn't prevent himself from rambling and playing with his own fingers. "I'm more than okay, In fact, I was transferred to this school today since my mom got a work here. I missed you" Yeosang was blushing at what the young boy said both of embarrassment and shame.

Yeosang then looked at his three friends. "This is Jongho, one of the really good friends I made during vacation" he introduced, Wooyoung was apparently the only one who saw Jongho raising an only eyebrow when Yeosang said the word "friend".

"Can we talk Yeo ?" Jongho asked, his sweet smile warming Yeosang's heart. The said boy nodded then got up to follow Jongho, his hands shivering.

"I- hum I'll go to the... bathroom?" Wooyoung said, he was really curious and was obviously going to listen to what Yeosang and Jongho will say. This Jongho guy was weird and Yeosang's behavior was even weirder. Something was off.

Wooyoung left Mingi and San alone, following Yeosang and Jongho. The two boys stopped in front of an empty classroom while Wooyoung was hidden behind a wall, close enough to hear them.

After some seconds of silence, Yeosang finally spoke "What do you want Jongho ? I-I already apologized okay ? I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "You didn't mean to play with me ? You're lying Yeosang. I don't want us back, I just want the truth"

Wooyoung was beyond than confused, "us" ? What were they ? Why Jongho's behavior changed so fast ? And why is Kang Yeosang stuttering?

"The truth is that I still have feelings for you... But you don't understand Jongho, here everything is so much different. They don't like boys who like boys ! I don't want to end up bullied and beaten up just because I like you Jongho. My mom would kill me if she knew I'm a fag!"

Wooyoung gasped a little too loud, however none of the boys seemed to hear him.

"Then why did you cheat on me ? You could have talked to me, explaining the reasons you want us to end. But no, you cheated on me with that disgusting girl instead. I was so hurt." Jongho's voice was trembling.

'So Yeosang is gay ? Shit I didn't kno-' Wooyoung thoughts were interrupted when a hand slowly patted his shoulder. "Wooyoung it's bad to listen... But I heard it all" It was Yunho, his soft voice was barely a whisper. "What are you doing here Yunho ?" Wooyoung asked. "I came to collect the work I missed this morning since I wasn't here but... here I am". Wooyoung nodded, then his eyes found again Yeosang and Jongho.

Jongho was looking at them, a grin on his face. "Can you tell your friends to go ? I want some privacy." The youngest chuckled.

Both Wooyoung and Yeosang knew they fucked up.

☆  ⸺   🦢🍥   !

Okay so... I'm in a fucking writer block.

Btw I started to write a TXT ff ! If you stan you can go check it ^^

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