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⚠️⚠️ (Sexual Harassment)

☆  ⸺   🦢🍥  


"Please Minseong I-" Yunho tried to protest but he got cut off when the old man harshly grabbed his tiny waist. "You're so tall now... I remember when you were just a little kid... So fucking innocent" Minseong hissed, pushing Yunho onto the couch. "I missed you Yunho. Did you miss me?" The man asked, and Yunho, even if he was disgusted by the male, could only agree. "Y-Yes..."

Minseong unbuckled his belt with a smirk. "Do what you do the best." The male ordered as he took off his pants and underwear. "Minseong, please..." Yunho felt like crying, but he was used to it after all. "I love when you beg, kiddo. Now, suck. Or else you'll be punished, you don't want that, am I right ?" The old man spoke, caressing Yunho's cheeks with his rough hands. "You're right." The younger weakly replied, his trembling hands making their way to the old man's crotch.

With the said shivering hands, he started the pump Minseong's cock, suddenly feeling nauseous. The man disgustingly moaned at the contact. "Suck fucking whore." The man growled as one of his hands roughly grabbed the younger's hair to control his head's movement, he guided Yunho's head to his dick. At first, the young boy refused to open his mouth but when he felt a sharp pain on his cheek, he only obeyed the older's order.

After abnormally long minutes of Minseong fucking Yunho's mouth, he pulled away to cum on the younger's face already soaked with tears. Yunho couldn't breathe, he wanted to puke, his eyes felt heavy, he wasn't feeling well at all. But the man didn't seem to care. "Want me to touch you, baby ?" The man asked the panting boy.

Yunho didn't reply, he couldn't speak, actually he couldn't even breathe. He felt so small under the man's strong and intimidating glare.

The old man's hands made their way to Yunho's chest, slowly touching it like if he wanted to tease the young boy. But it only made Yunho cry. Minseong liked it, he liked to see Yunho's cheeks getting rosy and wet while his eyes were red and swollen.

When his hands reached Yunho's pants, a loud sound could suddenly be heard, like a car parking in front of the house. "Binyoung's already back?"  Minseong hissed angrily as he looked through the window.

But he only saw Yunho's mother's car. "Shit. Get up, go to your room, and the most important, shut your fucking mouth." He then grabbed harshly the boy's arm and pushed him off the living room.

Yunho didn't waste a second and ran to his room, almost tripping and falling at every step. When he finally entered in his room, he was panting and sweating. But he was still glad he was finally alone.

His hand found his chest, his heart was beating like crazy. 'I have to make it stop...'

He took a wet wipe to clean his dirty face but his eyes got lost in the mirror. The only thing he saw was a under weight boy with dark eye bags. A pathetic boy. Then it hits him ; it was him, he was the pathetic boy.

Suddenly a loud noise made him flinch. His heart almost stopped... but it was just his phone. Who sent him a message ? He doesn't have any friends except Seonghwa and the said boy was probably working at the time.

Unknown Number
Home safe ?

Yunho (ME)
I'm sorry who are you?

Unknown Numbers
Wow ungrateful young boy ! You literally gave me your number when we were eating 😠😠
I'm Yena asshole 🫡

Oh right sorry Yena !

Yunho changed Unknown Number name's to Yena

So? You're home or not? Yuri and I are worried 😡

Yep, I'm home and I'm feeling better.

You're dry af 😐


Yunho threw his phone on his bed and sighed loudly. Yes, he lied to Yena, he wasn't fine at all, but he couldn't tell her what happened, even Seonghwa doesn't know. When he picked up his phone again, he saw three new messages from Yena.

Anyways !
What's your IG
Yuri and I searched for u but we didn't find your account 😔

I don't have any social media

Ayo why ? 🤨🤨

I don't like it

Old man

Another lie. But again, he couldn't tell Yena that his step-father forbade him to have any social media just to have full control over him.

Want to hangout?

Yunho's breath hitched. Obviously his step-father wouldn't want... was he going to run away again ?

☆  ⸺   🦢🍥   !


"Listen Gyuri. I don't like you okay ?" Mingi hissed as his fist collided with the table making a loud sound. The therapist jumped and then let a sigh out of her pretty mouth. "Come on Mingi, tell me more about the boy." She encouraged, regaining her composure.

Mingi rolled his eyes but spoke nonetheless. "I felt bad for him when the asshole pushed him and poured his milk on him. It's the first time I felt this kind of this. Compassion? I don't know. I didn't especially want to help him but I wanted to end Lee fucking Jeno. I wanted him to pay for what he did to him."

"So you care about him?" She asked sweetly. "No." Mingi objected right away. He didn't care for Yunho. It was just pity. Mingi was seemingly tensed as his nails marked his palm, his first so tightly closed that it hurts.

"Mingi... You have to talk to me if you want help." She gently muttered, staring at the young boy with a worried look. "I don't want you to help me" Mingi coldly replied, throwing a death glare at his therapist.

"I think I should go." Mingi said then got up from the seat and walked out the white room, leaving his therapist alone. What enraged him the most was that even if he hated Gyuri, she always managed to make him talk. He hated her so much because he kind of felt safe with her.

Yet, at the time, Mingi only thought about the conversation he had with Gyuri about Yunho... 'What the fuck does he have that makes me feel so weird!'

☆  ⸺   👑💫  !

Short chapter sorry I'm really busy nowadays ^^ ! Also, if there's MOA in here, I think I'll publish a Yeonbin book... does someone want it?

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