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"Seonghwa?" Yunho called when he walked into the latter's apartment. Yunho had convinced his mom to tell his Binyoung that he was sleeping over at his friend's.

Saying that he wasn't worried about his mom was a lie but he knew that if he came back, he would've been in trouble so he chose to wait until Binyoung and his mom go to the seminar to come back to his house.

Yunho had the keys to Seonghwa's apartment, the older gave it to him some weeks ago and told him that he could invite himself every time he wanted.

"Yunho !?" Seonghwa came out of his bedroom with red cheeks. "Are you okay ?" Yunho asked when he saw the flustered male. As an answer, the latter nodded approvingly. "Why are you here?" Seonghwa asked. "Can I stay over?" The taller boy questioned.

Yunho hadn't noticed his best friend's swollen lips before the boy spoke again. "Yes, sure... huh" Seonghwa said as Yunho was staring at his lips. "Yunho" The older whispered. "Hongjoong is here" he continued, pointing his fingers in the direction of his room.

Oh, that makes sense... that's why Seonghwa's lips are red... Wait ?! "Hyung? Were you kissing?" Yunho whispered-yelled, his eyes widening. Seonghwa didn't answer, he was way too embarrassed, instead, he walked to his room.

"Hongjoong, Yunho is here" Yunho heard his best friend speak in his room and some seconds after, the two boys came back into the living room, an awkward aura surrounding them. "Hi Yunho!" Hongjoong said, breaking the silence. "Hey" Yunho waved at the older boy.

After a long discussion about what they were going to do, they chose to watch a movie together and then, just after that, they'll eat together at Hongjoong's house since Seonghwa's fridge was pretty much empty. Unsurprisingly, Seonghwa and Hongjoong cuddled and giggled the whole film, letting Yunho third wheeling again. But he couldn't blame them since he invited himself, right?

Just before the movie ended, Hongjoong seemed to notice that Yunho was getting bored. "Not even ten minutes left Yunho. If you want I can text my brother and tell him to eat with us so you won't be alone?" The smaller boy suggested and Yunho fervently nodded as an answer.

Soon enough, the movie came to its end, and the three boys were starting to get ready to go at Hongjoong's. "My moms are probably not home" The small boy prevented, earning a nod from the two other guys.

☆ ⸺ 🦢🍥

"Hi" Wooyoung greeted when he saw Hongjoong, Yunho, and Seonghwa by the door. The three other boys greeted him back with a smile.

The dinner went well but the awkward air was still surrounding them, Wooyoung and Yunho stayed quiet for most of the time.

So, naturally, they decided to drink to lighten to mood. Actually, it was Wooyoung idea and Yunho wasn't really agreeing at first since he doesn't drink but, you see, the mass effect.

That's how Yunho finds himself drinking for the first time in his life. "Don't drink too much" Seonghwa had advised Yunho when the latter's lips first touched the glass. Kind of ironic. The said boy was so drunk that his soon-to-be boyfriend had to carry him in his room.

"I'll stay with him" Hongjoong informed, holding Seonghwa's body in his much smaller arms. "Stay home tonight Yunho" He continued before going to his room, struggling to carry Seonghwa.

"Let's go to my room, you'll sleep on my bed, I'll sleep on the floor, alright?" The slightly tipsy boy spoke. "Humm" the older hummed approvingly. "Are you drunk Jeong Yunho?" The younger asked with a chuckle. "Aren't you also drunk Wooyoung?" Yunho retorted.

Then, the two walked to Wooyoung's room, giggling and whispering. At the time, Yunho felt as if they were friends since forever. Maybe it was only because of the alcohol, but it feels nice to have a friend, or just to be accepted.

The two boys sat on Wooyoung's huge bed, his room was as big as Hongjoong's room and with the same expensive vibe. That's only when he saw Wooyoung putting blankets on the floor that it hits Yunho ; Wooyoung was going to sleep on the floor because of him. "You can sleep on the bed I'll sleep on the floor" Yunho said, still drunk. "No, don't worry" The boy replied with a smile.

"Or also we can... you know... sleep together." Yunho proposed, patting the empty space beside him on the bed. Wooyoung smiled and lay down beside the taller boy.

"You know, we don't talk much but I feel like we're already so close. I really want to hang out with you... But San and Mingi will be so upset if I do" Wooyoung whined, obviously drunk.

"It's okay" Yunho reassured, himself also drunk. Then, he let his upper body fall on the bed and touch the mattress, making him lie down beside Wooyoung. "Sorry, sorry for all the things the boys did to you." Wooyoung apologized, his eyes staring at the ceiling.

"It's not your fault Woo" Yunho reassured the younger again, his hand finding Wooyoung's to hold it to comfort the said boy. Wooyoung smiled at the nickname and squeezed Yunho's hand.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're really pretty, Yunho?" Wooyoung breathed, the air suddenly becoming hot in the dark room. "Actually Yena and Yuri told me that many times" Yunho giggled, his hand still holding Wooyoung's.

He hadn't noticed how close Wooyoung was before that. The room was dark, but the faint light coming from the small lamp on Wooyoung's desk was setting a vibe that Yunho definitely liked. It was cozy and almost felt like home. "They're right, you are so pretty." Wooyoung continued, staring at Yunho's side profile. "Thank you" Yunho awkwardly replied.

"If, let's just imagine, I kissed you right now, would you kiss me back. Just hypothetically." Wooyoung asked, his eyes finding Yunho's wide ones when the latter turned round to face him.

"I know it's only because we're drunk but I think I won't reject you... Hypothetically."

☆ ⸺ 🍥🦢 !

Ok I know I was supposed to update 7 days ago I'm so sorry I was kind of busy-

Sorry It's not my best chapter tbh

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