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"Hi pretty," Mingi waved at the boy beside him. "Yeah... Hi." The taller boy greeted with a frown.

"Why did you want to see me?" Yunho continued. To get close to you. "I don't know." Lie. "Are you sure, Mingi?" No, I just want to use you. "Yeah. I kind of like your company." Another lie.

"Mingi... I- Why ? Why are you doing this to me ? I was doing okay alone, but you, you came to me that night at Wooyoung's. Then you hugged me. And you texted me on Instagram... And now you want to see me ? All these years, you never paid attention to me, and now you're all over me... I don't understand anything." Yunho whined. "Just want to befriend with a fellow student." Mingi replied with his signature arrogant smile.

"What if I don't want to be your friend ?" The older boy asked. "But you want to be my friend, right?" Mingi challenged, his annoying smile still on his face.

Yunho couldn't lie. Obviously,he wanted a popular and sexy boy like Mingi to be his friend. So, as an answer, he sighed.

"Come one, give me a chance, Yunho. At least one chance." Mingi pleaded, knowing that the older boy would accept. "Okay..." Yunho hesitantly replied. "Now, wanna hang out with me?" The slightly smaller boy asked cockily.

Mingi just couldn't wait. He wanted Yunho to be his. His toy, his doll, his cocksleeve. Don't get Mingi wrong. He wasn't gay. Or at least he never felt anything for a boy before, but Yunho was different. He seemed so fragile... So easy.

Yunho sighed and accepted. Actually, the boy didn't know how to say 'no'. He was raised accepting everything his stepfather ordered him to do and never (for his sanity), he had refused the demands of the old man or any other person.

He was submitted to his step-father, Jeno, and all his other bullies, and now, he was also really submitted to Mingi ,yet he couldn't help it. It was his nature. He wasn't a leader but a follower. He wasn't the wolf but the sheep.

And Mingi was going to consume him alive.

"I prefer when you're obedient. I don't like it when you get all snappy like that." 'He's trying so hard to play hard to get when he's actually so easy.' Mingi grabbed Yunho's wrist, making the latter jump slightly. "We're going to my house, hang out like friends." He continued, ignoring Yunho's whine.

"That's basically a kidnapping," Yunho mumbled, but it got unnoticed by the younger boy.

☆  ⸺   🍥🦢 !


Yunho was hyperventilating, Mingi, the weird popular boy from his school, was bringing him to his house.

So, in the matter of one day, he ran out of his house and his abusive stepfather ,he almost hooked up with Wooyoung, and Mingi abducted him. That was a lot for Yunho to handle, and the boy who was dragging him to his house didn't seem to care about Yunho's quivering breath.

Mingi was sure of himself, he was going to his home with his new friend ; Yunho. "M-Mingi..." Yunho breathed as the younger hummed. "You don't have friends, right? I'm asking you to be your friend. You should be thankful." Mingi snapped.

Kinda out of character, Mingi thought. He was supposed to show a weak and funny side to Yunho so the older would pity him. Well... Too bad and too late. He was going to use his backup plan, acting like Yunho savior. This technique always worked with broken souls like Yunho

"I am... I am thankful." Yunho replied at Mingi's manipulative statement when he could breathe again. Honestly, Mingi didn't think his plan would work so fastly, he thought that the older was going to reject him and maybe even despise him. But no, he was wrong, Yunho was sticking his head in the lion's mouth.

"Cute." Mingi muttered, a smile creeping on his face. "Mingi really... I am kind of uncomfortable." Yunho whispered as the younger opened the door of his house. "You prefer when my friends bully you ?" Mingi smirked, a single eyebrow raised. "N-No..." The taller stuttered.

When Mingi finally opened his front door, he entered inside with the older.

God, that makes no sense ! Yunho thought. Why the hell am I at Mingi's?! The whole thing was just fucked up.

"Now let's be friends." Mingi smiled

☆  ⸺   🍥🦢 !

I hate writer block.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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