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Mingi had spent the whole day with his mom for the first time since he was 11. They watched some movies, they cooked together, ate, they even painted together; like they did when Mingi was a kid, when his dad was still there, like when everything was ok. 'Like when I was happy'. 'Like when I was alive'...

Mingi's mom knew her son was not okay, that's exactly why she -kinda- forced him to see a therapist, yet she was still shocked; Mingi's behavior was strange, he acted like a child? Every time Mingi talked to her it was like if he was a kid, it wasn't the real Mingi, however she didn't tell anything to his son about that. Maybe he was just happy to see her? Or maybe it was a playful act?

"Shitty shit I stained my shirt with the paint!" Mingi exclaimed, his white shirt had now a big red stain on it, the boy was so lost in his own thoughts that he made a mess. "Mingi sweetie don't swear" his mom frowned as she looked at her son, Mingi only smiled, still, his kid-like act was making his mom feel strange, it wasn't her Mingi. 'She likes me, she still likes me, she cares. I like you mom, I care, you, you didn't stain your shirt but I care. I love you'

Suddenly the sound of her phone ringing startled the both of them, it was loud, it was deafening, Mingi hated it, it was everything but melodious 'Mom I love you but I hate it, this sound' . "Wait up" Lyn muttered as she picked up the phone, walking out of the room to talk calmly with the mysterious person. Mingi only heard some snippets of what his mom was talking about but he understood: it was something related to her work, he hated it. 'They're stealing mom again...'

When she walked back into the living room, her face visibly changed. His mom was sad, they were stealing his mom again. "Mingi I'm sorry, my boss called and I have to go" she quietly said, walking closer to Mingi to hug him but he just rejected her, she was leaving him again, he was upset, mad, angry. " You promised you'll stay!" He accused, his fist tightly closed, his nails marking his palm with red crescent forms.

"I really want to stay sweetie...But I can't." She replied while she grabbed her purse. Mingi felt betrayed, once again. He was left alone. "You always do that..." His voice was weaker than before, his fists weren't closed anymore, his hand was shaking as the marks on his palm were slightly visible. "Why do you always leave ?" The boy asked with an accusatory tone, however his voice wasn't loud, it was barely a whisper, he didn't have the strength to yell, he didn't even want to yell to be honest.

"Mingi I'm sorry" The woman said, coming closer to her son to sweetly kiss his cheek. Then she went out, not looking again at her son. Mingi felt alone again, he felt broken. 'Why do you always leave?'

☆ ⸺ 🦢🍥 !

The night was getting dark, the boy was alone on his bed, he was visibly himself again yet he was still feeling like he was betrayed by his own mother. Suddenly, as Mingi was absorbed in his thoughts, his phone rang loudly, revealing San's name. He sighed before picking up.

Choi San
Mingi ?

What do you want?

Choi San

Wooyoung is throwing a party, Yeosang and I are coming, you want to come along?

Yeah...Why not

Choi San

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