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Yes, it was a bad idea and yes he was going to be punished for that but Yunho was with Yena and Yuri ; he disobeyed Binyoung. The adrenaline he felt when he ran away from his house was stronger than the fear he felt when Binyoung was around.

And to be honest, he didn't regret a bit because he was having a good time. "Don't you have a nickname ?" Yena asked, they were creating Yunho an Instagram account since he didn't have one before and they were struggling to find him a username.

"No...Not really." Yunho replied with a pout. "What about Yuyu?" Yuri asked but her girlfriend just shoot a glare at her. "No ! It sounds like a ship name for you and Yunho !" She yelled and acted like she was puking.

"Yena... I'm lesbian and he's gay." Yuri rolled her eyes playfully but Yena only hit her shoulder gently as an answer.

Finally, after a long debate and some arguments, they chose "j_yunho", sometimes it's better to stick to the basics, even if Yena didn't agree with that since she wanted him to have "Yunhoe" as username.

"Now we have to take a picture of you for your profile pic" Yuri smiled and snatched Yunho's phone from his hands, Yena sat next to her with a smirk. "Smile Yunho... Cheeeeeeese!" Yena exclaimed as she looked at Yunho through the camera of his phone.

Yunho smiled and a loud "click" sound was then heard. "Oh my god you're so handsome I might turn out straight" Yena yelled and touched her forehead, like to check if she had a fever. The other girl scoffed and glared at her girlfriend. "You? Straight?" She then asked.

That's only at this moment that Yunho noticed ; he was smiling, genuinely smiling. He was feeling happy and loved.

Yunho took his phone back and looked at the picture. He didn't look too bad, he even started to think he looked kind of pretty.

Then, something caught his eyes ; a dozen of pictures of Yena and Yuri. Pictures in which they were doing silly and ridiculous faces. Yunho giggled at the sight, he really liked his two new friends and he wasn't going to let them go.

"Okay anyways, give me back your phone bitch" Yena snapped as she grabbed Yunho's phone. "Okay so you'll follow me, Yuri, Wooyoung... Do you have other friends ?" She asked. Shit. This hit harder than it was supposed to be... What a reality check. 'Almost forgot that I don't have any friends and everyone hates me' the boy thought.

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