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Yunho was again deprived of meals, like almost every day. It was a habit for Binyoung to "punish" Yunho by not letting him eat. That's mainly why Yunho always wore oversized clothes, he hated his body.

This day, Binyoung also decided to punish Yunho's mom, her figure was already skinny and weak but he didn't care, he was selfish. Ironically, it was Yunho's mom who cooked the meal and she didn't get to taste it.

"I'm starving" She spoke quietly as Yunho was helping her to clean the house, loud enough for Yunho to hear but not Binyoung who was in the room next to where they were. "I'm sorry" Yunho whispered, he was still feeling guilty. Even if it wasn't really his fault, Binyoung always telling him it was his fault made him really believe it. If his mother was hurt it was because of him.

"Please don't apologize Yunho" She replied while her soft hand made its way to Yunho's cheek, stroking it gently before continuing her previous task: cleaning. 'Since when does she care ?'

"Yunho !" The deep voice of his stepfather could be heard as he yelled the young boy's name. 'Fuck...' He fastly walked to the room his stepdad was in, not wanting to get him upset. "You called me?" Yunho asked, trying to not show that he was completely terrified as he entered the room.

"I had a rough day, I'm so fucking frustrated" Binyoung said through his gritted teeth. "Come here" he said to the younger who did immediately what he was told to. He grabbed roughly Yunho by his hair, forcing the young boy to sit on his step-father's bed.

Binyoung, with one of his hands still on Yunho's hair, slapped the young boy's face with so much strength that Yunho's face moved. It hurts.

"You're a whore Yunho. That's what fag are. That's what you are, a fucking whore." Binyoung chuckled, making sure his voice was loud enough for Yunho's mom to hear, he wanted to hurt her too. Yunho closed his eyes when Binyoung raised his hand again, he knew what he was going to do.

Binyoung slapped Yunho again, his rings marking the young boy's cheek with superficial cuts. Yunho's eyes were still closed, he was too scared to open them again, he couldn't see his stepfather.

"Slut" He chuckled when he saw tears falling from Yunho's closed eyes. Binyoung's grip on Yunho's hair loosened, he looked at Yunho's red cheeks before slapping them again, with less force, just wanting to humiliate the boy.

His hair was messy, tears were rolling down his cheeks, his eyes were swollen, Yunho was a mess. "I'm so frustrated Yunho and it's only your fault" he raised his voice a bit before the hand which was previously in Yunho's hair punched the stomach of the young boy.

After long minutes of being slapped, punched, whacked, Yunho... fainted. Not only because of the pain but also because his stomach was still empty.


"Yunho ! Yunho !" The cry of her mother woke him up. 'What time is it? What the fuck happened...' Only some seconds had passed since the boy fainted but he couldn't know that.

His mother's tears stained Yunho's shirt, she was hugging him tightly as he was lying on his step-father's bed. "Yunho do you hear me?" Yunho could hear his mother was worried, again it made him feel guilty, everything was his fault.

"What happened mom?" Yunho was feeling weird, the last thing he could remember was Binyoung hand hitting his cheeks repeatedly and then punching him. "You fainted Yunho, don't do this again ! I was so scared Yunho" She couldn't manage to stop crying. She never did anything against Binyoung but every time, it broke her heart when Yunho was feeling bad. 'Mom cares about me again?'

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