Part 2

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3rd person POV:

"It seems as the two of you already know each other?" JYP asks lee know and y/n. Lee know and y/n both look at each other in shock unsure of what to say. "Mmm we were childhood friends." Y/n says answering JYP turning back around taking her attention away from lee know her heart aching a little.

"It's nice to see you again y/n." Lee know says making his way to the table taking a seat besides Han. "Diddo." She tells him with a sweet smile then looking away from him.

"Let's continue on, what do you say?" JYP asks y/n a satisfied smile still present on his face. "Of course." She says humbly.

"Now where are you currently living? That way we can send and letters or documents to your home address so you don't have to go back and forth until then." JYP asks y/n.

Y/n's face changes into an embarrassed one her color in her cheeks fading. "I'm actually living in my car as of now." She tells him softly.

His smile slowly fades hearing that she has no home. "Okay I can work with that, we will send emails and exchange any updates with your application through VIA message or phone calls does that work for you?" He asks.

Y/n nods her head giving him a light smile but In the inside is only wanting to cry scared the answer to his question turned all the good tables upside down.

Gosh, why am I such an honest person? She thinks to herself mentally face palming. At that moment she knew she most likely didn't get the job all hope slowly fading.

Another thirty minutes went by the rest of the interview continuing on like most.

"Okay well...I think that wraps things up. Thank you y/n we will call you back in a few days and let you know if you have got the job or not." He tells her standing up.

Y/n quickly stands up bowing towards JYP. "Thank you sir." She tells him ah her hair falls over her shoulders. The members of SKZ carefully observe her taking in her sweet warm energy.

Y/n turns to the eight boys giving them a radiating smile. The contagiousness of her happy energy puts a genuine smile on everyone's face some having roses cheeks.

"Goodbye, and thank you again." She tells them leaving the office closing the door behind her.

"Well I like her." Seungmin says shrugging his shoulders. A huff is heard from lee know dragging attention on to him.

"I need to use the restroom." He says getting up from his chair exiting the same door y/n did.

Once lee know gets out of the conference room he starts running down the hall looking for y/n.  He finally spots her getting to the elevator but is too late the doors closing as she looks down at her phone not noticing him.

"Damnit." He says under his breath. He watches at the elevator number decreases until the elevator reaches the main floor. Lee know quickly pushes the button repeatedly anxious for it to arrive. Which only took thirty seconds but felt like hours on end the elevator finally arrived opening the dinging sound being heard.

Lee know goes into the elevator pressing the button to go down to the main floor. Once the door opens he hurts out running down the halls of JYP.

He looks around not being able to find her. Lee know quickly runs out of the big glass doors of JYP Entertainment taking a left following his gut instinct. After running for two minutes he sees y/n in the distance.

He runs faster catching up. Once he's close he grabs her hand immediately she turns around startled by the unexpected actions that were taken place. After realizing that it was lee know she throws her hand to her chest slapping it on her skin letting out the deep breath she had sucked in relieved that it wasn't some creep.

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