part 16

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Y/n POV:

We've been at the arena for almost five hours now trying to set up the arena making sure everything is ready for tomorrows concert while the kids practice and mic check running over all the songs and performance's.

I manage to get myself busy enough to keep Minho off my mind for a while until I come back to give them there food making sure they eat.

I walk onto stage where they just got done running over the choreography for Venom.

"I have your lunch" I call out with a smile on my face. The guys all let out a sigh of relief running over to me with tired eyes but manages to smile and thank me.

While everyone eats the sandwiches I got them I notice Minho marking the dance by himself concentrated on getting every move done correct and smoothly.

"He's not going to listen to anyone, but maybe you." Felix says leaning up against the wall beside me looking at Minho as well then back at me. I cross my arms looking at Felix. "I don't know what you mean" I tell him a hint of sadness in my voice.

"He listens to what you have to say. He's less stubborn around you." Felix tells me. The feelings from his words confuse my heart, not knowing weather his words but me or if they brung such a warm feeling into my heart.

I watch Minho contemplating my separate thoughts and emotions screaming at one another. "I'm not talking to him." I tell Felix crossing my arms walking away.

Anger fills my body looking back at the way he defended Cassie instead of me and then sadness because I can't help but miss him so much to the point it makes me want to cry.

"Y/n." Seungmin calls me over to him and Jeongin taking me away from my overstimulating thoughts.

"What's wrong?" I ask Innie to read the faces right away that there was a problem. "We are having a problem with our earpieces. The music kept getting cut off." He tells me unsure of what to do.

"Okay I'll get you two new ones right now." I tell the both of them. "Thanks Noona" the both of them thanking me giving me a grateful smile.

"Mm" I hum walking away giving them a slight smile.

I go to the back to get new headsets for the two going back into the bustle of staff.

Once I switch out the earpieces I run them back to the two maknaes staying them while they do a mic check. My phone starts to ring catching my attention. "I need to take this." I tell the two of them. They both nod their heads allowing me to leave.

"Hey" I say going somewhere more quiet. "Hey Noona how have you been? How's the States?" My brother asks. I let out a sigh face palming myself. "I'm so sorry. I forgot to tell you that I would be in the country this week.I've just been so busy and," before I can say anything else He cuts me off. "It's okay don't feel bad you've been so busy with work I understand." He tells me reassuring my guilt.

"I miss you kid." I tell him smiling trying not to tear up. "I'm a year younger." He groans making me laugh. His voice makes me forget everything else that's going on only being able to be happy in this moment.

"Will I be seeing you soon?" He asks.

"Seojoon I'm going to try but with this crazy schedule I will barely have time to focus on myself." I tell him feeling guilty.

"Oh...okay it's okay I get it." He tells me his voice shoving it to the side but I'm still able to hear the disappointment in his voice.

"I'm sorry Seojoon." I tell him. "Don't be Noona we have our own things going on. Plus I will see you in a month for your birthday." He says. By the tone of his voice I can hear the smile on his face. God I miss my brother...

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