Part 45

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"How did you know I was here? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?" I ask all at once. "There is a lot we need to talk about."  He says to me making my stomach uneasy.

"Here come in.." She tells him the both of them going into her apartment.

3rd person POV:

Both Chan any Y/n sit on the back porch with two cups of hot tea. "This is a really nice apartment" Chan complements her. "Thanks we literally just moved into it." Y/n responds "we?" Chan asks. "Yes my roommate." She almost laughs placing her hands out insisting it wouldn't be anything more.

"Chan I'm glad you're here, but I want to know why." Y/n asks him. He takes a sip of the tea before looking up to meet eyes with y/n.

"There has been a lot of conflict within the group since you have been gone. I waited this out for a while but Changbin is sick he hasn't been eating like he should he passed out at our last few performances. We are about to go on tour but after the tour is over  he said he was going to break his contract with JYP." Y/n's eyes go wide listening to everything he says. She feels her stomach sink low feeling sad and guilty.

"Before we are going on tour we were given a couple weeks for a break. Everybody went back home to be able to spend time with their family's and cool out for a little bit before going on tour. But I came to New Zealand to see you because I one wanted to check on you and two I felt like I needed to share this all with you and it couldn't have been done over the phone. I also want you to know that one of our destinations for our next tour is New Zealand. I wanted to tell you so it wouldn't come as a shock. Then if you want to talk to Changbin it would be easier."

Y/n doesn't say anything taking everything all in "I don't want you to feel pressured into talking to him, we don't have to talk upon it I want to know how you have been." Chan says y/n can't help but smile tears coming to surface. "I've missed all of you so much." She almost cries. "It really hasn't been the same without you." He says giving her a half smile. "I can really say the same." I answer back with a half smile.

"When did you get here?" Y/n asks him. "I just flew into the airport I rented a car out so my luggage is in my car. I got a hotel an hour from here." He explains. "Oh Chan stop you know you can stay here, how long will you be here?" Y/n asks. "I planned on staying a week just to catch up and explore a little bit and then I'll go to Australia to see my family. Then I'll go back to Korea."

Y/n nods her head. "Well your more then welcome to stay here Chan." She tells him. "In fact. Let's go get your things." She insists getting up excitedly. Chan can't help but chuckle standing up going down with her to get luggage.

Y/n POV:

"So where is your roommate?"  Chan asks me as we both sit at the bar eating a bowl of home cooked ramen. I missed Chan's ramen and moments like these. "Oh she is out on a date, she is not coming home tonight." I laugh the last part. "Where did you meet since you both rented it out together?'" He asks me. "We met tat work, She was always persistent with making friends with me. I wouldn't talk with anyone unless it was customers on a coworker stand point. But she would always be there she grew onto me, She has never pushed herself into my business but she has just been there. We get along well." I say to him. "I am glad that you met her." Chan tells me with a sweet smile. "Me too." I can't help but smile as I have the first sip of broth."So how has everything been going?" I ask Chan he nods his head chewing his noodles waiting until he is done with that bite to answer me back.

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