Part 43

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Y/n POV:

It's dark but I can feel such warmth on my body. My head throbs my eyes wanting to open but they are to heavy to lift. I hear slight chatter not to far from where I am. I open my eyes a sliver of light shinning in the the curtain of the living room window.

Sitting myself up slowly I look around noticing the unfamiliar apartment. Throwing my legs off the couch I stand up walking towards the chatter.

"Good evening Y/n.." yeji says with a light smile. I look beside Yeji feeling an overwhelming amount of guilt seeing Changbin who stands by Yeji. I can't help but notice his swollen red eyes and his cherry like nose only making my stomach seep down further.

"We uh...we called Chan and let him know where you were that way nobody would worry. Changbin is here to take you back home okay?" Yeji asks me with an almost concerned look on her face. I can't help but look away from the both of them my eyes meeting the floor.

Cowardly, I walk towards both Changbin and Yeji giving her a bow thanking her for taking care of me. She bows back with a slight smile on her face both Changbin and I leaving the apartment. He opens the door for me following me out closing the door behind him.

The both of us walk in a silence that could drive someone mad the thick tense air only making it worse. It feels forever until we reach the parking lot. The warm sun covers my body yet I can't help but feel cold in a way.

The both of us approach the car silently getting into the car pulling out. "You shouldn't have left." Changbin says blanking the silence almost in a scolding manner.

"I was going to find you." I argue only slightly not being able to not feel so defensive. With the quick remark I find the car going silent once again. Laying my head on the door watching by buildings pass by.

I need to talk to him.

"I want you to know I'm sorry." I say to him looking at him as he drives. His curly hair lays low his glasses giving a certain glare from the sun unsure of what his eyes were saying. He stays silent indicating he doesn't want to talk about it.

About thirty minutes later we find ourselves sitting in the parking lot of the dorm building neither of us getting out.

"I took some time last night to think about everything". He speaks up breaking the silence between one another. His voice his calm though has a sadness in his tone. "It isn't all your fault.. I should have never let what happened happen and this wouldn't have even occurred." Changbin says making direct eye contact with me.

I can't help but look at him unable to say anything taken aback from what he's said. "No, it isn't your fault..." I shake my head feeling ashamed.

"Don't make excuses for me bin..."

"But it's true is it not?" Changbin interrupts his body turning slightly towards me ready for the discussion. "I want you to know that I love you, but you have hurt me so bad." Changbins voice cracks tears rising in his eyes. I can see his pink eyelids that are slightly swollen from crying.

"I want to make it work, Do you think we could make it work?" Changbin asks her with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Changbin, I love you so much. And I am truly grateful for you. And you have never done me wrong you have always been so kind and you have been a safe person for me to go to. We can't go any further. It wouldn't be fair to neither you or Minho" I say to him trying to hold my tears back.

I should be the last one crying in this situation...

"I can't love two people at the same time it isn't fair to either person in the situation. There is deep history with Minho he has helped me so many times growing up and he was there for me a lot longer then anybody else was, and then he left. I didn't come here intentionally to see him in fact seeing him almost hurt. But then I met you, And I fell in love with you. But somewhere in there I knew there was still something there with Minho, I got caught up in my emotions. I didn't realize one hundred percent the love for Minho that I still have. I know I have hurt you and I am so sorry, and I know I have hurt Minho as well. I need to pull myself together and I couldn't stay and make things awkward for the group. I don't want things to be tense and I don't want you and Minho to have any negative feelings."

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