Part 35

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Lights flash, cameras blinding their eyes. Screaming and yelling is heard from the fans who crowd themselves into the airport to not only see Straykids but y/n who are departing for Seojins funeral.

The body guards do their best to control the mob but the crowd starts getting hectic bumping into others and running up to a Straykids member and y/n only to be pushed back by security.

Each of the boys glance at y/n full of worry from the intense anxiety attack y/n dealt with just hours before.she walks with her head down her hands intensely trembling.

Changbin walks closely behind her making sure he'd be close Incase something happens but far enough it won't draw suspicion. Lee know walks behind the both of them locked hands with Han. He watches y/n from afar making sure that she was going to be okay while also helping Han through the mob in the airport.

As what feels like hours, they finally get through the mob getting into the passenger boarding bridge entering the private plane. By that point all fans and social media outlets are out of view everything being private as they enter the terminal.

"I can't." Y/n says crying coming to a stop. Changbin walks from behind her wrapping his arms around her trembling body. "You can do this y/n." He whispers kissing the top of her head.

"It's okay Noona everything will be fine." I.N says. "Yeah if anything you can use Hyunjin as a pillow to land on." Seungmin jokes in hopes to ease her.

Changbin turns her around meeting her face to faces holding her hands in his. "Everything will be okay Y/ can do it, and I will be here by your side to comfort you in any way possible okay?" His question sounding more of a statement.

She searches his eyes as tears stream down her face her hands aggressively shaking from fear and anxiety.  She gathers the courage to nod her head and walk through into the plane.

Y/n POV:

I can't stop my legs from violently bouncing anxiety consuming me. The plane is tilted up at an angle sending my stomach into a whirlwind. I don't notice my clenched hands holding on tightly to the arm rests until changbin rests his hand on mine squeezing softly.

My eyes are still closed tightly shut since the plane started moving. I feel the plane level out but I still can't bring myself to open my eyes. My heart beats so hard it feels as my chest will explode any moment.

"Noona" Han calls. I open my eyes avoiding to look at any windows just him. He stands next to changbin and I,'s seats with two medicine bottles in his hands.

"I have something g to help with your anxiety, I also have some medication that will put you to sleep. I'm going to leave it here for you okay?"

"Thank you Hannie." I say with a slight smile here goes back to his seat sitting my Minho engaging in conversation with him. "You should take it, it will help." Changbin encourages handing me his bottle of water.

I accept the water taking a couple sips to wet my mouth first as he opens the bottles of medicine putting two pills in his hand placing them in my palm. I take the medicine then lying my head on changbins shoulder.

He sticks an AirPod in my ear the other in his the both of us listen to IU as he rests his head on mine. My eyes start feeling heavy a drowsiness feeling arises sending away all thoughts as I fall asleep.

I look down at the book I've been reading not sure as to how long I've been reading it. The plane shakes slightly making my eyes shoot up at changbin my hand immediately holding onto his tightly.

"It's okay it's just a little turbulence." He tells me with a reassuring gaze. I nod my head trying to calm my nerves wanting to believe his words.

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