Part 20

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Y/n POV:

"Do you have feelings for Minho?" He asks. My brain pauses in surprise of this question. I'm quiet at first not knowing what to say; not wanting to confuse him or even myself.

I sit upright looking him into his eyes. His eyes hold a sense of hope that I too have once held and recently am able to again.

I close my eyes taking in a breath trying to relax my thoughts. In my head is loud a screaming between the past and the presences trying to rule out an answer.

I open my eyes looking back into his and the screaming calms a sense of security settles over me. I can't move on in the past. And what Minho did hurt me so deep I never thought I'd be able to pick myself up again.

Changbin, he makes me happy. He's like a warm blanket in a cold room. I feel secured a feel protected, I feel loved just by looking into his eyes. He's been so patient and kind and he respects me so much as a person alone.

He's secured a place in my heart that was so deeply buried. He's accepted me for me and for that I know my answer. I don't want to lie to him, but I want him to give me a chance; even if the answer will hurt. I just want to be honest with him.

"I....I want to tell you the truth. I will always have a lingering feeling of love for him. Given we have known each other since we were babies. But it was in the past. What we had, whatever it was, it's done. I want to move forward and I want to move forward with you. I don't want to be just friends with you anymore my feelings for you are stronger then for us to just be friends."

After getting all of my thoughts and feelings off of my chest I watch as his eyes change looking at me. I am not sure if the look in his eyes are bad or good leaving a growing pit in my stomach.

His lips curl smiling uncontrollably and the feeling quickly goes away my face unable to not smile.

"It makes me happy to know that you can tell me truth. That's all I wanted. I am doing respect you're and lee knows past. I don't need to know everything we just need to have each others trust and be truthful to our feelings." He says softly yet stern. I can't help but smile as a warm feeling takes over me.

"Y/n...will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me with a cheeky smile. I can't help but smile so hard my cheeks starting to hurt. I feel my face heat up and my stomach getting full of butterflies.

I get up from the chair I'm sitting in walking the couple steps to changbin. He wraps his arms around me pulling me closer his arms holding right around my but as he looks up into my eyes. I leans down letting his lips kissing one another we can't help but smile with the giddy feeling the both of us share.

He pulls me in more now manspreading pulling me to him. I straddle him my knees on either side of him on the couch and I can't help but get lost in his eyes.

I hear someone's throat clear and mine or Changbin. I look up to see Han standing in the doorway looking at us. "Cute, really, but the others are on their way in." He says walking towards the small counter in the mini kitchen setting the bags of food and soju down.

I get off of changbin l and start walking over to Han helping him unpack all of the food. Not a minute goes by until loud talking is heard down the hall it getting louder as the boys come closer.

One by one they start filling the room Cassie being the last one. It takes everything in me to not let out a huff and roll my eyes but instead I'm able to keep a smile and wave hello.

She looks at me briefly then breaking eye contact with no facial expression instead wrapping her self around Minhos arm.

"The food smell so delicious." I say to Felix and Chan who stand next to me. "It's chipotle a Mexican restaurant" Chan says with a smile.

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