Part 11

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~one week later~

Y/n POV:

It's around eleven at night and all the kids are in their rooms probably sleeping. Another sleepless night occurs from my week of hibernation due to the flu I'm now getting over.

The loud thunder makes the walls of the dorms shake and I can hear the rain hitting my window sounding as almost it will shatter the glass in any given moment.

I can't help but smile at the weather I enjoy so much getting up out of my bed throwing on my robe and house slippers. I open my door quietly closing it behind me. Walking out to the back patio.

I slide open the door going onto the patio closing the door behind me. I sit on the long rocking patio chair swinging slowing back and forth kicking my self forward and backwards lightly as I stare into the storm in the night sky.

Minutes go by and a noise takes my focus away from the storm and all onto felix. He seems shocked seeing me jumping, a little bit startled from the unexpected.

"I'm sorry." He says going back inside starting to close the door. "Felix wait." I tell him looking up into his eyes. He stops from closing the door his body frozen. I can't help but widen my eyes his presence being a lost one in stray kids.

"Sit with me." I tell him patting the space next to me. Felix stands there for a moment debating on my offer. He takes a step out closing the sliding door behind him sitting next to me the both of us swinging looking into the storm.

"Can't sleep?" I ask him looking over at his face. He nods his head looking dazed. "" He asks. His voice small from not talking for a week. "Yeah." I tell him looking back into the storm.

"Do you like storms?" Felix asks. "Mm" I hum nodding my head looking out at the sky smiling. "It's always so gloomy though. It brings your mood down" He tells me. I look at Felix who has sadness  in his eyes.

"Sometimes the sky needs to scream to Felix." I tell him leaning back into the chair. I lay my hand out laying it flat my palm facing upwards. Felix puts his hand in mine his hand so small and tiny out hands almost the same size.

"Come here." I tell him opening my arms. Felix starts crying curling up underneath me hugging the side of me. With my arms wrapped around him I start to play with his hair soothing the boy.

"I hate myself Noona." Felix sobs. The hurt in his voice shatters my heart a few tears falling from my eyes as well. I hug him a little harder knowing that right now all he needs is to be held on too.

"I know it's hard, but don't listen to what others say about you felix. You are a special person, you are unlike anyone I've ever met." I tell him. "You saw what they said?" He asks with puppy dog eyes and alligator tears streaming down his face.

"I did" I whisper nodding my head. I knew this was the reason he's been so quiet and distant from everyone. No one knows as to why he's been acting differently but everyone is very concerned. I just knew that he needed time and when he's ready to talk about it, if he wants me to be the person to cry on I will be that.

He sits up composing himself breathing in a shaker breath his hands shaking from the overwhelming amount of emotions. "I uh-" he begins to say wiping his tears. "I think I'm going to go on a hiatus." Felix tells me looking back into my eyes. I can see how hard he's trying to keep the tears from falling.

I nod my head slowly looking at him. "I think, that if that is what you want or if that is what you need then you should do it. Wether you do or don't you always have my support and of course Straykids support. But Felix....I want you to know that what they say. What people you don't even know say shouldn't even matter. You, Lee Felix is the most amazing person I've ever met. Your smile brings so much warmth and a sense of security. You are peoples safe place people you don't even know go to you for when they need comfort. You are the sun in so many lives. It's okay to feel the way you feel. Your feelings are valid. But don't let people get into your head especially not someone you don't know. Your too kind for the world. You don't deserve any negative energy. You deserve the world. You put everyone's happiness before yours. You can either ignore them or you can let them tear you down for every little thing you do. Lix, I will be here for you and walk every step alongside you that's if you want me too. I love you, Straykids loves you, your family loves you and STAY loves you. You are loved and your not alone." I tell him light sobs are heard from him as he covers his eyes with his hands.

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