Part 36

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3rd person POV:

"Thank you for gathering here today for the celebration of my brothers life." Y/n says pausing her sentence. She looks up at the few reporters that found themselves in. In the big church holding Seojoons funeral. There is a beautiful amount of light from the candles that hang above. There are big white beautiful bouquets  that's stand in either side of Seojoons casket. Friends and teachers of Seojoons sit on the deep brown benches made by redwood, it reflecting a classy gloss. Along with them sit friends of Seojoons that have flew in from Korea and Straykids, Bodyguard's from JYP and five news reporters.

She continues her speech looking at the roughly two hundred people who have attended Seojoons funeral giving her a warm feeling in her chest.

"Not only am I thanking you for coming here today. I'm also thanking each one of you for leaving memories with my brother. Each person here made him smile. Though, it wasn't ever hard to make Seojoon smile each time you did was such a warming feeling.." y/n's voice cracks slightly towards the end her eyes start to well up with tears.

She straightens her posture taking in a deep breath looking at the eight members who each give her encouraging warm smiles Seungmin and Jeongin both giving her a thumbs up.

Y/n clears her throat finding the courage to speak, when all her body wants to do is cry. She manages to form a smile on her lips tears forcefully put Her voice trembles slightly as she finishes she's her speech her voice cracking only a few times.

"I've found myself asking, why? Why did it have to be Seojoon? Why did so many people loose their lives that night? Maybe if he had missed his flight, No, maybe I should have stopped him. I should have told him to stay a few more nights. I should have asked for more time. But I didn't... maybe he'd still be here? I'm going to miss the random phone calls at three in the morning. I'm going to miss the happiness I would get hearing his laugh. I will miss the way he bagged me, the way he annoyed me to the point I could throw a book at his head." Y/n laughs slightly recalling flashbacks of their childhood.

A small chuckle is heard by the crowd tears streaming down each of their face dabbing their under eyes with tissues.

"I'm going to miss my brother. He had such a kind soul, he was so compassionate with everything he did, he has always been so humble and selfless. For a long time I would question his happiness. I would wonder if he was comfortable in life all the way over here. When he told me he wanted to go to America it scared me. He gave me a presentation on why he should go and had very valid points for a fifteen year old. As an eighteen year old I felt empathy. I wanted him to have the life he wants I wanted him to be happy. He called me maybe ten times a day for months on end." Y/n's lips curl as she speaks. "My brother would never tell me  he was lonely, in hopes to soothe my worries. He's always been spontaneous and driven he knows what he wants and he'll do just about anything to get there. I think the thing I worried most about was Seojoon being alone. That he wouldn't be happy. But seeing everyone here today has brung a comfortable closure. Hearing the stories so many people have shared of him today, how many feats have fallen, how many laughs were made, has pushed away all worries I once held. Thank you for being apart of my brothers life. Thank you for coming here today sending your condolences. Not only are we mourning for Seojoon but the other one hundred and eight souls that have been taken from us and their families and friends. Again thank you for coming." She says to everyone giving a full ninety degree bow.


Y/n walks back from the bathroom heading over to the kids across the church. Attendants of Seojoons funeral talk with one another sending condolences and heartfelt small talk. "Excuse me Ms. Nam," a reporter says almost trapping her in a corner now she's alone.

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