Part 22

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Cody POV

I was sitting by her side the whole time because I didn't want to leave her side.

3 hours later

It was now time for her surgery. She had to go alone and I was scared and didn't know how long this would take. I just wanted everything to be back to normal. The wedding was supposed to be next week. I don't want to have the wedding if she wasn't ready. We can move the wedding further from now.

1 hour later

The doctor came walking to me, looking a bit worried and sad at the same time. Did she die? Was she ok? I was starting to worry. The doctor stopped in front of me.

"Sir, the surgery went well. When we took her to her room, her heart stopped but we managed to get her back. The only bad thing is that she is now in a coma. We just don't know how long. I'm really sorry, sir."

"Where is her room? Take me there please. I want to see her."

"I'll show you where it is sir."

"Thank you." Somehow I managed to stay calm. I sat by her side the whole time. She looked so peaceful and she also looked like an angel.

I will wait for her how ever long it takes.

Lily POV

I couldn't move. All I could see was darkness and nothing else. Was I dead? I hope I'm not dead. I want to go back to Cody. I miss being in his arms. Wait, Cody! The wedding! It was supposed to be next week. Hopefully he will move it to a bit after I wake up again, if I ever do wake up.

I wanted to be with Cody. Suddenly, a light was showing. I went into it and it was showing a memory. A very bad one.

Start of memory

My dad was drunk. He looked really fucked up this time. He looked worse than ever before when he was drunk. I really hoped he wasn't going to hurt mom again. This is a daily thing now.

Dad gets drunk, gets abusive, hits mom like she is a pinching bag, and then after he gets bored, he wants to take it out on me. He starts to hit me aswell and my half brother would stand there and laugh evily at me. I honestly don't know why he didn't help mom or me.

Dad also used to bring his slut home with him and they would do the nasty on the couch right there while everyone was still in the house. That is when I would run up to my room and try to listen to music loudly with my headphones. Sometimes mom would join me and listen to it with me.

It was nice being alone with her. Where dad wouldn't do anything because he has his slut with him. I don't know why mom didn't leave him instantly. Maybe she really loved him, even though he would hurt her.

She fell in love with the better him. They were together since they were teenagers, so I guess he was better then. I hated him with all my heart. He made me look ugly and I got bullied a lot. Suddenly, I got taken out of my thoughts and my dad towering over me. My mom was crying on the other side if the room. I really didn't pay attention.


He picked me up and threw me back down, making me land with a thud. It hurt a lot. But I was not feeling the pain anymore because he did this daily. I hated him! He picked me up again and threw me down again. That one hurt a little.

My mom suddenly stood in front of him and said, "Enough is ENOUGH, Carter!" She yelled at him. "We are moving out, right now!" You go mom!

I was happy she stood up for herself and me. We then quickly ran out of the house before my dad could grab us. We ran to the closest public place and went into the place. We then called the police from there and reported my dad for abuse. He got arrested after a few hours and we went back home, seeing my half brother still there.

End of memory

It hurt me to see all that again. It hurt so much. Suddenly it felt like I was being teleported. I saw a figure sitting on a couch. It was a male figure. The male spoke up. "Hello Lily" when I heard that voice, my breath hitched.



What do you think? I hope you are enjoying:) I will write a bit more often if I can;)

Love you guys<3

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