Part 23

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Lily POV


I suddenly got angry. I was not liking this. I gave him the death stare. "Why am I here with- yóú?" I popped out the 'you' part because I was disgusted by him. He made my life a fucking hell.

"You need to sort things out with me if you want to see your little fiance again. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Cody."

"How the fuck do you know his name?" I yelled at him.

"No need to be so rude, Lily. Just sort things out with your dad-"

I cut him off. "You're not my dad."

"Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" He started raising his voice.

"I'm talking to you, David." I said calmly. I wasn't going to show him that I'm weak and still angry or sad. I crossed my arms. "You made my life a living hell. I hate you!" I wanted to yell at him so badly, but I showed him that I'm not going to be like him.

"Oh, so calm now, hey? We'll see how long you can stay calm, I get what I want. If I want you to break down I could make it happen." He started walking closer to me. I didn't move or flinch. I stared deep into his eyes. They were dark. He stopped and sighed.

"Lily this isn't going to work. You need to sort things out with me or you are going to die. I don't want you to die so young." He said in a soft tone while stepping back a few steps. What?

"Oh, so now you're nice? Just a minute ago you were about to do something to me. And now you want to fix things."

"Yes, honey. I don't want you to be angry or sad. I want you to feel loved. I was a foolish man. I shouldn't have treated you and your mother like that. It was horrible what I did. I am disgusted with myself. I hate myself for what I did. I am really sorry." He said in a really soft and sadish tone. He sounded really sad and convincing.

I walked over to him and hugged him. This felt really nice and it was the first time I hugged my dad. "I forgive you dad. Don't worry. I understand now. You don't need to be angry at yourself. I think mom is doing that for you." We chuckled.

"Thank you honey. I love you."

"Thanks dad. I love you too." We hugged for a while and then suddenly he vanished. I wanted a bit more time with him but I guess not. I suddenly felt a shock go through my body. My eyes flew open.

"Cody!" I yelled.


Sorry this chapter is so short guys! I didn't know what else to do and my brain is empty now😖🥴 I hope you are enjoying the book:)

Love you all<3

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