episode 2 - HEAT WAVES

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[ Now playing... Heat Waves - Glass Animals ]

0:59 ——— 3:59

You called out to the blond walking on the sidewalk, hands shoved in his pants pockets. He looked up to where your voice came from, the apartment building.


"Bakugou, hi!" You rushed down the stairs, careful to not fall, you turned the corner and met up with the blond, face to face.

"Hi," he said, scrunching his nose at the red tint to your cheeks, he took his scarf off from around him and threw it at you. "Dumbass, you're gonna get sick before we even make it to the school."

"Katsuki-" you handed it back to him, but he refused to take it. "I don't need it, I'll be fine, really. It's yours, anyways."

"I already gave it to you, keep it before I regret that and blast you to hell, got me?" He rolled his eyes, walking past you.

You kept up with him, tying the scarf around you. "Well, thanks. You're sweet." Katsuki gave you a look that screamed 'If you don't take that back, I'm gonna throw you into oncoming traffic.'

"I'm not sweet." He grumbled.

"Stop lying, you're the sweetest person I've met." You teased, watching as explosions popped variously in his palms, you whimpered.

"That's what I thought." He dropped his hands to his sides, sticking them back in his pockets.

As the two approached the intimidating, tall buildings of U.A High, you noticed two people in particular that stood out. Mainly because you knew one of them, the boy.

"Ohhh, my God." You groaned, recognizing that fucked-up tuft of green hair as Izuku Midoriya, the boy you were telling your parents about this morning.

"Out of the way, Nerd." Katsuki's voice was loud, demanding, you ducked your head, hoping Midoriya wouldn't recognize you.

It's not that you were scared to be seen with Katsuki or anything, it's just like you didn't wanna start any kind of fight between the two boys this early in the day.

Izuku began mumbling on and on about how he was sorry and he didn't mean to be in anybody's way, especially "Kacchan's".

You snorted, whispering to Katsuki, "He still calls you Kacchan?" To which he groaned and nodded his head at.

Next to the two of you, a couple of boys started talking about your companion. "Oh, my god, is that Bakugou? The kid from the Sludge Villain attack?"

"Yeah, dude, he's the real deal."

People recognized Katsuki Bakugou all of the time nowadays, it's because of that damned Sludge Villain that took him captive a good few months ago.

At first, you thought that all of the attention would go straight to Katsuki's head and ego. But it didn't, he was changed from that day on.

He was more quiet, a little more reserved. He still has that bitchy attitude towards just about everything, but you noticed it was a lot less severe since that event.

Next to you, Katsuki shifted away from the two guys talking about him, albeit slightly. You gave his arm a little reassuring tug and he glanced over at you, but didn't say anything else.

You and Katsuki got led into a room with a ton of seats, and were assigned numbers and papers which had information about you, everyone got one.

You were to Katsuki's right, and to his left, was Midoriya. You feared for the green haired boy, he might be getting blown up pretty soon.

Looking down at your paper, you noticed it said that you were in Arena A, so did Katsuki's. You nudged him with your elbow and gestured to the cards, saying, "We're gonna be in the same arena, I wonder if that means we're gonna have to fight each other."

Midoriya leaned over, mindful not to touch Katsuki by the look he gave him. "I don't think fighting's allowed in this test," he said to you, "and look, you guys are in Arena A, while I'm in B. Our numbers are one after the other but we're assigned to different battle centers."

"Keep your eyes to your own paper, nerd." Katsuki warned, "They're keeping us separate so we can't team up with our friends."

"They didn't do a very good job of that, if I'm in your arena, Katsuki." You pointed out, furrowing your brows.

"You went to a different school at first, remember? I doubt they even know that you transferred in to mine and Deku's midway through the school year." He said, quirking an eyebrow and tucking his paper into his pocket.

"Oh shit, yeah, you're right."

Eventually, there you were, in different clothes, not quite a hero suit, but something to do a mock battle in.

As Present Mic, the teacher and, I guess, advisor during this test, shouted out the countdown to the gates opening, you were psyching yourself up. That's all what this was, an exam. You had to keep reminding yourself that the only way you can fail this is if you accidentally attack another person, which if you ended up doing, it's because they probably wouldn't give you enough personal space and deserved it, or don't get any points.

When everyone took off, Katsuki included, you struggled to catch up, you weren't expecting the gate to just open like that. You tossed Katsuki a spare look as the two of you began raiding the street and clearing it of its villains with your quirks.

When the two of you approached the same one, you backed off and let Katsuki have it, he gave you a smirk in return.

To your left, suddenly, one of the other students, a black haired boy, almost got blasted by one of the robots, but fortunately, you stopped it with your quirk, successfully rescuing him.

"Hey!" You called out to him, "Everything alright? You gotta be careful!"

"Yeah, yeah I'm good, I didn't see that one there! Thanks, that was super manly of you to save me like that. I'm Eijiro Kirishima." The boy introduced himself, you smiled and as you were walking away, you replied to him with your name.

"That was a bad move, Katsuki! That one was mine!" You yelled at the blond, hands on your hips with your nose scrunched.

"If you wanted it so badly," he wiped his jawline with the back of his hand, his face morphing into a sadistic smirk. "You should've been faster," he teased, calling you by that cheeky childhood nickname he gave you so long ago.

"Wooooow. I see, that's how we're gonna play it? Alright, race to the finish?"

"You know it."

As the 10 minute timer very quickly ran out, you were sure that Katsuki and you had tied, or at least gotten close to it.

You made it a good point to try and rescue as many people as possible, along the way.

Only time will tell what your scores were, and it looks like the judges will tell what the results would be.

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