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[ Now playing... This Side Of Paradise - Coyote Theory]

0:54 ——— 4:02

11 months before the U.A High entrance exam

"Yo, Katsuki!" You recall calling out to the blond boy, who had his back turned to you as he walked through the gate to school. Now mumbling to yourself, "This dumb bitch is seriously ignoring me right now."

You sighed and ran up to him, matching his walking pace as he finally noticed your presence, "Dude, I was calling for you."

"You were?" He turned to look behind him as if he could stare into the past and see you from just a moment ago.

You smiled sadly at him, his behavior was off the rockers ever since the Sludge Villain incident a month ago. "Yeah, I was. But it's no matter. You doing okay?"

"I'm fine, don't talk to me." He rolled his eyes, looking back ahead as the two of you approached the school.

You fell back from his pace and paused in the middle of the walkway, clutching your shoulder bag's strap with both of your hands. You just stared dejectedly after him.

He noticed you weren't following and threw you a glance over his shoulder. "What?"

"What?" You repeated, a hurt laugh bubbling up in you. "You're pushing me away, Kats, I know you see it too."

"No, I'm not. It's your choice if you choose to bug me."

"That's not how this works!"

"Well, it is now." And he kept walking.

Two days later

Katsuki hadn't spoken to you since the other day, it made your heart ache. He was your best friend and now he's acting like you're strangers, which you understood, because he had gone through a trauma that took his pride and dignity away from him, but you just wished he would confide in you and not make himself so alone.

Swinging one of your earbuds around in a fast circle, you walked from the lockers to the doorway of your middle school, listening to a song that made you feel melancholic towards the days you and Katsuki had jammed out to it in your bedroom.

How fast a friendship can fall.

You shook your head, accidentally tugging your earbud out. Your friendship with Katsuki isn't over, he's going through a rough patch and you need to support him.

Katsuki Bakugou decided to take the bus home today, his day was absolute shit and he wanted to get his mind off of it on the way home.

His hopes to be alone were quickly shattered as he saw your familiar figure walk onto the bus and beeline for the seat next to him.

Not saying anything, you sat down, turned to him, put one of your earbuds in his ear and turned on a song—This Side Of Paradise.

"Before you say no, listen to me, and the song, but mainly me." You were quick to say, almost stumbling over your words, and Katsuki sunk back in his seat, trying to focus on you.

"Now look, I know that what you went through with the Sludge Villain was bad, and I feel awful that it even happened to you. You did not deserve that, ok, Katsuki?" When he didn't do anything, you elbowed him and he nodded his head, feeling satisfied, you continued,

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