episode 9 - BROOKLYN BABY

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[ Now playing... Brooklyn Baby - Lana Del Rey ]

1:55 ——— 5:52

The key jingled in the doorknob as Katsuki Bakugou opened his front door and held it open for you, you smiled at him and entered the Bakugou residence—sitting at the counter in the pristine looking kitchen with a mug of coffee was his mother, Mitsuki.

"We're going up to my room, mom. Is it cool if they spend the night?" Katsuki asked, already leading you halfway up the stairs.

His mom turned to the two of you and scrunched her nose as she smiled knowingly, "Sure. Do their parents know?" Her crimson eyes then fell on you.

"No." You chimed in, tugging on Katsuki's sleeve, he gave you a look that made you shrink in on yourself. "Uh, but I doubt they'll mind, they're cool." You quickly recovered, unfazed by the blond's usual antics.

"Okay, whatever." She responded with a wave of her hand, going back to her book and coffee.

Pulling you up the rest of the stairs and into his room, Katsuki sighed through his nose, squinting at you. "Are you sure it's cool?"

"Yeah, it's not like they'll care anyway." You added with a shrug, "They're nice and don't mind if I spend the night with a friend, as long as I tell them. Part of me thinks they're glad I'm socializing." You took in the blond's decorations, taking note of the many skulls littered around. You noticed that classic white one on a band poster and suddenly it clicked, that black shirt he always wears is actually a band tee.

Katsuki closed the door and then sat down on the edge of his bed with another sigh, you walked over, took a pillow from by the headboard and whacked him in the arm with it, sitting down next to him. "Lighten up, she wasn't that bad today." You said, referencing his mom.

"Today." Katsuki grumbled, leaning into you and laying his head on your shoulder. Your hand carded through his hair gently as a small silence fell between the two of you.

Then it was interrupted by the blond, "I don't understand her sometimes."

"I know, Kats."

"I don't like her."

"I know."

He sat up from you and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, "I don't get it. She's my mom, I should like her or whatever."

"Believe it or not, Katsuki, you don't owe family anything." You poked him in the side to get him to stop and he did, seeing stars from how hard he pressed on his eyes. "I know it's hard admitting that though, so I'm sorry you feel that way."

"You know? Like from experience?" He almost squinted at you, but instead looked like a dog that just got into trouble, expecting punishment.

You took a breath, gathering your thoughts, "Not from experience, no. But that's one thing my mom always told me—if we're ever being dicks, remember, no matter what we've done for you, you don't owe us anything. Of course they've never been dicks, per se, but the thought's there."

Katsuki laughed, "Your mom's an interesting person, I like her."

"Don't tell her that, she'll adopt you." You said pointedly, watching as he laid back on his bed.

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