episode 7 - WAIT FOR IT

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[ Now playing... Wait For It - Hamilton ]

0:31 ——— 3:14

This morning, Shouta Aizawa—U.A High's homeroom sensei—had told your class that a few other teachers, along with himself, had prepared an exercise course to better improve the next generation of heroes and their rescue tactics. Upon hearing this, you became deeply afraid.

Knowing this pretentious school, an innocent sounding exercise course could mean the ten gates of Hell compared to normal high school courses. You weren't mentally prepared for this, you were almost sure that Mr. Aizawa had noticed it by the way you felt his eyes on the back of your head at every turn you made.

Your mind was so cloudy with thoughts about last week—when you realized you had developed feelings for your classmate, and best friend, Katsuki Bakugou.

You couldn't keep the explosive blond out of your head, every thought was plagued by him. Every glance he gave you had you burning holes into your notebook to avoid embarrassing yourself by gawking at him. If you weren't supposed to be heading to the back of the classroom, like you and the rest of the class were right now, you would've sunk into your desk and probably stayed there until Aizawa dragged you out—not that he'd have the energy to do so, you wondered how he even survived as a Pro Hero.

When you reached your locker in the back of the classroom, you grimaced at how close it was to Katsuki's—the universe wasn't throwing you any bones with this stupid infatuation, was it?

Fuck off,  Universe,  I really don't appreciate you right now. You thought to yourself as you grit your teeth. You spared a glance over at the blond and ignored the way your heart fluttered upon seeing how the shadows from the window perfectly captured that effortless beauty of his, he noticed you staring, though, and spoke up, albeit quietly to not draw attention.

"What do you want?" He asked, pulling something out of his locker which made you remember you needed to do the same.

After getting yourself in order and grabbing your hero outfit, you didn't turn to him, you kept your eyes trained on the floor, "Can we talk after class? I need to talk to you about something." Your words felt stuck in your throat, like someone had sewn your lips shut and forcefully bottled everything in.

He paused, something you always noticed that meant he was thinking, and squinted at you, "We can talk here, if it's that important to you."

You shook your head, closing your locker and turning away, throwing a response over your shoulder, "No. I mean after class, I gotta go get dressed so I'll see you later." Before he could protest or anything, you briskly walked out of the classroom and headed to the dressing rooms.

God, this sucked—this whole feelings thing was gonna be the worst thing to ever happen to you, you imagined.

While getting dressed you mentally cursed yourself for making this thing so difficult to get into—WHY are there so many straps and things that need tying? You were sure that was probably the most unconventional aspect about your hero costume, but on the flip side, it wasn't like other obvious reasons to dislike a costume, the main one, for example, is that every feminine Pro Hero has to be wearing something skin tight while masculine Pro Heroes can wear whatever they'd like. You wondered how the women of this hero's society even survived in conditions like that.

Suddenly, you were glad that you didn't entirely fit in with the norms, and that you only had to deal with an overwhelming amount of straps and not a bodysuit morphed to every inch of your body just because the hero society made you feel pressured into it.

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