episode 4 - BURN IT DOWN

39 2 15

[ Now playing... BURN IT DOWN - LINKIN PARK ]

1:00 ——— 3:50

"Sweetheart, I told you to take it easy!" Your mother called out after you as you tripped up the stairs, struggling to walk.

You grimaced, gritting your teeth together. "Sorry, mom. I didn't get hurt or anything, it's just my body, it aches." Which was the truth, you knew better than to lie to your mother, she always somehow knew.

The muscles in your upper thighs were practically killing you, you guessed it was from the training that Katsuki made you do with him yesterday.

How he always managed to make everything look easy, you didn't know. However, if your body wasn't screaming at you every time you moved, you figured you wouldn't be making progress.

"I just worry about you. The shower's free if you want it, I'm gonna start making dinner with your father, alright?" Your mom said, a frown on her delicate face. You nodded at her with a smile as you turned the corner and headed towards your bedroom.

You opened the door and were met with the all too familiar layout, after kicking the door shut behind you, you just about collapsed onto the bed, feeling yourself sink into the squishy mattress.

You weren't sure how long it had been since you got home, but it looked dark outside, today had been pretty crazy for you and the other students of U.A.

Your new teacher, Shouta Aizawa—The underground Erasure hero—decided it would be funny to scare the shit out of his new students with putting them through a series of tests. Trials, more like.

One was a ball throwing test, which at first, made you suspicious. How is throwing a ball across a field going to push your quirk to its limits? And then you experienced it and it still didn't make sense.

Mr. Aizawa had called Katsuki Bakugou up to throw the ball with his quirk powering it to add distance. To which he did, he sent that ball FLYING through the sky with a huge explosion.

And then something weird happened, when it finally came to Izuku Midoriya's turn to toss it, Aizawa had pulled him aside and talked to him for what seemed like a long time, and then let him go.

His arm flashed green with what looked like lightning and you gasped as he focused his power into his fingertip and sent the ball soaring. Katsuki was fuming and Tenya Iida was incredibly confused at how you and the raging blond hadn't known of Midoriya's quirk. Apparently, he got injured pretty badly during the Entrance Exam while saving one of your classmates.

Izuku's finger was purple and red afterwards, the bone having been broken by the force of that mysterious power—you had been right that day, he did have a quirk he was hiding. You still couldn't believe it.

The rest of the tests flew by extremely fast, you couldn't help but take glances at the green-haired boy every now and again, he had a quirk? That was baffling.

And before you know it, you were being dismissed after being told that your loving teacher had been kidding with you when he told you that anyone who fell behind would get expelled.

A knock on your door brought you out of the daze you had found yourself in, and you called out "Come in!" without even realizing. In walked your father, who took it upon himself to sit on the edge of your bed.

"Hey, daddy-o." You joked and he scoffed, shaking his head. "What's up? You look like you're about to take part in therapy."

"Tell me about your day, I'm your therapist today." He mused, watching the smile that crept onto your face. "I heard from your mother that everything went well at school, but I wanna hear it from you."


You went on to tell him all about the mysteries and wonders of the day and watched as he listened intently, chiming in every now and again to put his two-cents in.

When you got to the part that Izuku Midoriya really had been hiding a quirk, he looked shocked.

"Really? And there's no doubting he has one?"

"Nope. I saw it with my own eyes. It was amazing, but his body can't seem to handle it yet. Do you think it just manifested late or something?" You tilted your head as you asked, brushing a strand of hair that fell out of place behind your ear.

"Eleven years too late? No chance. He must've been hiding it. It's not like the quirk evaluations are very scientific these days, that shady doctor we took you to had claimed it had something to do with the quirk user's pinky toe joint, which-" Your father made an incredulous face, raising an eyebrow higher than you had ever seen him do before. He almost looked like he was smoldering. "Yeah, anyways, I doubt it manifested late."

You hummed, rubbing the back of your neck as you thought, "It's possible, but I agree."

The two of you talked things over for a while and when your dad went to leave, he paused in the doorway, "Hey, kid, your friend's gonna be stopping by tomorrow—the blonde one, Kieri, I think their name was. I heard they were moving in nearby."

"Oh, my God, Kieri??? I haven't seen them in years."

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