episode 5 - NUMB

46 2 16

[ Now playing... NUMB - LINKIN PARK ]

1:01 ——— 3:08

A knock on the front door sent you jumping out of your skin as you headed to go answer it—you were expecting your childhood friend, Kieri. They had been gone for a really long time and were coming back today, to congratulate you on getting into U.A., you supposed.

You threw open the door and opened your arms really wide, immediately getting tackled into a big hug by a blur of blonde and the scent of sakura blossoms.

"Kieri!!" You yelled, laughing as you tripped only to be held steady by them.

They exclaimed, saying your name with a huge smile on their face. They pulled away after making sure you were stable and patted their shirt down. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, you goof. You've been gone a long time, y'know—hey! Close the door, don't be a heathen!" You pointed dramatically and watched as they ran over, shut the door with a flourish, and ran back to your side, which made you laugh.

The two of you had stayed in your room for a while now, and then it all started going downhill.

"You still hangin' around that bitch boom boom boy?" Kieri asked, twirling an action figure around its base from your dresser.

You turned startled, eyes fixing on the way they sarcastically swung that figure around. "What do you care? Bakugou's fun."

"What do I care? I worry about you." Their eyebrows furrowed as they set the figure back down and made their way over to you. Their hands rested on your knees as they got onto your level. "He seems dangerous, didn't he bully that Midoriya kid for all of our childhood?"

"All of my childhood, you weren't here for that. And he did it for a stupid reason, I'm not defending it, but you don't know him like I do."

"Like you do? What, are you guys dating?" They retorted with a sneer as they stood up, taking a step back from you, you crossed your arms across your chest defensively.

"N-no." You suddenly felt very small, but you pushed past that as you thought of what Katsuki would do in this moment. "But what if we were? My life for the past six years has been none of your business, shit, you've been gone for ten! You can't just come back out of the blue and expect me to listen to whatever you say about my friends." You scrunched your nose as you practically yelled, you winced when you thought of what your parents would be thinking right now.

When you took a breath, you continued, not shying away from this fight now. "I wont stand for Katsuki to be ridiculed by someone who doesn't even know him, at this point, he knows me better than you ever could."

Kieri backed down, looking hurt at what you had said. "Sorry, I guess, maybe," they sighed, combing a hand through their unruly blonde locks, "I guess maybe I shouldn't have judged him so harshly. Tell me about him?" When you nodded, albeit hesitantly, they sat down next to you on the bed and you went into a funny story from when you and Katsuki Bakugou were kids.

Long before Kieri Yanaka had left your humble abode, you had pulled out your phone and sent someone a message:

explosion duo

THE dumbass
hey, can you give me a call in like an hour or something?

in an hour? i gotta shower first, its almost 7. that cool?

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