episode 6 - THE BEACH

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[ Now playing... The Beach - The Neighborhood ]

1:49 ——— 4:15

You had stayed inside all day, or as long as you could anyway. You still hadn't recovered socially from that argument with Kieri Yanaka the other night, and to add on top of that, Katsuki Bakugou had been keeping a bit of a watchful eye on you.

Don't get me wrong, you appreciated the thought, but it was really starting to piss you off. Not for the usual ways that everyone was probably thinking, but for the fact that currently, you were trying to sleep, and that motherfucker was in your room.

"Katsuki, go away."


"You're being stubborn, go away, I'm fine."


You sighed for what felt the hundredth time that night and rolled over in bed, you squinted at the blond on the floor, lazily reached behind you without looking, grabbed a pillow, and chucked it as hard as you could in his general direction.

"Go home, old man! It's past your bedtime." You just about whined at him, making a shooing motion with your hands, he didn't budge. You stood up and went to go nudge him to get up and then you tripped on the wrangled sheets and fell over. Once you fixed yourself into a sitting position on the floor, you scrunched your nose up as you rubbed it, trying to make the pain go away.

Katsuki huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, "That's why you should just give up and let me stay."

"Why? So you can look after me? I can do that myself, thankyouverymuch." You squinted at him again and dodged his hand when he went to ruffle your hair.

He rolled his eyes, "We used to have sleepovers all of the time, what's changed?" He asked in a bit of a low voice, trying to sound like his pride wasn't bruised.

"Kats." Your eyes softened and you edged closer to him, "I'm sorry. I just figured you wouldn't want to have dumb little sleepovers anymore, I mean, we're not kids anymore, right?"

"What do you mean? We're not even 16 yet, we have plenty of time to be stupid kids." He elbowed you in the side and stared up at the ceiling to avoid your gaze.

You giggled at the contact, it kinda tickled. "Yeah," your voice was softer, your tone not harsh anymore, instead it was almost solemn. "You're right, I forget that sometimes."

After a beat of silence, you stood and extended your hand to him, "Let's go be stupid kids for one night." He smiled and took your hand, pulling himself up.

"Where to, first?" That question gave you a bit of pause but you quickly recovered and squeezed his hand, returning his smile as you neared the door to your room, you opened it slowly, so as to not creak it.

"The beach." At that, Katsuki gave you an incredulous look, to which you laughed at and then quickly stopped with your hand flying to your mouth, "We need to be quiet, my parents are sleeping." You mumbled into your hand and watched as Katsuki nodded, his eyes determined.

As the two of you snuck out, you made sure to lock the front door behind you and hide the spare key into a plant pot right outside the door, you had asked Bakugou to remind you of that whenever you came back.

𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - 𝐊. 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now