episode 8 - CAN'T BE ERASED

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[ Now playing... Can't Be Erased - JT Music ]

2:13 ——— 5:21

Two Weeks Later, 1:03pm, Saturday
(tw; violence, flashbacks to trauma, choking??)

You sighed to yourself as you scuffed your shoes on the pavement while you walked. Absolutely dragging, you followed after Mina Ashido and Hanta Sero, behind you, Denki Kaminari was busy bugging Kyoka Jirou to realize how slow you were walking, leading for him to ruin the punchline of his joke as he ran into your back when you stopped.

Seeing something interesting off in the distance, you fell out of line with the group after apologizing to Denki and made your way over—there was a little freelance shop in the middle of this huge mall that seemed to house limited edition figurines of characters from your favorite show. Needing to buy one immediately, you fished your wallet out of your bag, and waited in line. Remembering what Mr. Aizawa had told you, you shook your head and remained in line.

Don't split up, you recalled the bandaged teacher saying, I don't even want to approve this mall trip, but I'm going to, because you guys deserve it after what just happened. Promise me something, L/N.

Hearing your last name from Aizawa sounded foreign to your own ears, he usually called everybody by their last names so that wasn't unusual, but out of the entire room of students, he asked you to promise him something. You knew why, but you still couldn't believe it yourself.

If something happens, you call me, no matter when, okay? No matter where, I will be there.

You promised, and he let you all go. As you thought more about it, your hand nervously rubbed your throat, wincing at the tender contact.

Two weeks ago, you still remember what it felt like to be utterly powerless against the self proclaimed League of Villains. Every breath you took was stolen from you as their leader, Tomura Shigaraki, as he called himself, held you in his grasp, his oddly boney fingers curled around your neck, squeezing the air from your lungs—only four fingers, though, the fifth threatening to join the others.

Dust in the wind, right? Isn't that what you thought on the way to the U.S.J? You hadn't realized just how right you were.

Tomura Shigaraki's quirk, from what you understood, could disintegrate anything all five of his fingers touch. As seen by what he did to Shota Aizawa's elbow.

Tears pricked your eyes as you struggled to fight off the thoughts that plagued your conscious, you quickly stepped out of line and searched around for a restroom, or some type of little corner you could get a little bit of privacy.

Unable to find one, you resorted to that alleyway by the shop you wanted to buy from, making sure there wasn't anybody watching, you ducked into the shadows and took a wavering breath.

Resting your head against the wall, you gathered your composure. Your breaths began to feel like not enough for your lungs, after having them stolen from you in the way you did two weeks ago. That blue haired maniac, you grimaced, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, what drives a person to do something like that to another? You would never understand the trauma, the hurt, someone must have to go through in order to take pleasure in hurting another person like that.

Upon hearing a noise to your left, which led deeper within the alleyway, you skittered out of the shadows and bumped into a tall figure, their wavy, shoulder length blue hair was all you saw as tears spilled over the edge of your eyes. "S-sorry! I'm sorry!" You quickly said, not able to meet their eyes as you sped walked away from them, head ducked down facing the floor.

All you saw in every person you met was Tomura Shigaraki sitting above you, hand wrapped around your throat, slowly choking the life out of you.

Bumping into yet another person, you just about cursed yourself to hell, looking up you met red eyes and blond spiked hair, "Oh, thank fuck." You breathed, not meaning to swear but doing it on pure instinct.

"You look like you got hit by a bus, what the hell's wrong with you?" Katsuki examined your appearance curiously, twirling a strand of your hair around his finger as he put it back in place. "Were you crying- wait, you are crying." He motioned to follow after him and you did, wiping at your eyes.

Being sat down on a bench in front of a water fountain, you stared holes into the patterned ground, not feeling brave enough to look the blond in the eyes.

"What happened?" Katsuki asked, sitting down beside you, propping his elbows up on his knees and leaning onto them to get a look at your face, "Talk to me... Y/N, please. I'm asking you nicely, and I don't do that shit."

Laughing sadly to yourself, you finally looked at him and sighed, "Kats, I don't know what to do." You admitted quietly, and upon seeing the question mark practically painted across his face, you went on, "Every time I see someone with blue hair... I see him, I see the worried look on your face as I begged you to stay out of it because he threatened to kill you too. I-" You cleared your throat, feeling the tears well up again, "I can't do it anymore."

Your eyes lingered on the area where his jaw tightened, and then your attention was brought back to his eyes when you felt his hand squish your cheeks and bring you in close, "Look, what happened wasn't your fault, got me? I know it was scary—it was fucking terrifying, and you have every right to be upset and traumatized after that, but neither of us are going anywhere, not if I have anything to say about it. Come here." His hand fell from your face and his arm pulled you into his chest by the shoulders.

Not strong enough to fight them off anymore, you sobbed into his shirt, knees pulling up onto the bench as you cried. He rubbed small circles into your back as he tried his best to comfort you.

You felt him stop for a moment as you faintly heard Denki's voice in the distance, and then he continued when the voice got louder as he approached you two.

"Heyyy, what's wrong with them?" Denki asked, getting nudged in the side by Jirou, who shook her head at Katsuki who nodded—a weird ass second language that the two came up with, but it seemed to get the point across.

Katsuki cleared his throat loudly and shushed the electric blond, "They're just having a bad day, we'll meet up with you losers in a bit."

"Okay! I hope they start feeling better," he went to walk away and then paused, "Hey wait! That was really mean, Kacchan."

"Get out of my sight before I make you wish you never said that."

"He's scary." Denki pouted to the purpled-headed girl to his left as they walked away from you two.

"At least he only threatened and didn't actually do it." Eijirou Kirishima piped in with a hesitant laugh.

"Thank you, Katsuki." You mumbled into his shoulder, pulling away after a good five minutes of straight crying.

He shook his head with a slightly scrunched nose, "It's whatever, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I will be. Do you wanna actually do some shopping now?"

"No. I wanna go home." He answered so nonchalantly it made you laugh. "You're staying the night."

"Uh- Katsuki, I'll have to ask my parents if its okay-"

"I don't care, you're staying the night."

"Oh- okay."

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