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Chapter 2: An Abrupt Exit

Shadow growled. He was already sick of the hedgehog. He wasn't fond in the slightest of his constant sighs and loud thuds as he walked. He knew Sonic wasn't trying to annoy him - hence why he hadn't lashed out, like usual, at him or even rolled his eyes at him. He could tell Sonic was trying and applauded his efforts. It was a Sunday afterall, even The Ultimate Lifeform had a day of rest - which was the only reason he had gone into town without destroying it or anyone.

"Wanna race Shads? Where are we even going-?" Sonic suddenly spoke, scaring Shadow the tiniest bit, causing him to automatically tackle Sonic to the pavement, earning a few annoyed groans from people near them. "Great. Fighting again." A little boy groaned. Shadow quickly jumped off of the hedgehog, begrudgingly helping him up. "Scared me." Shadow grumbled. "Sorry Shads-" a winded Sonic awkwardly laughed.

"I'm going to the Chao garden." Shadow stated. He did owe Sonic something after abruptly tackling him to the ground on a Sunday - their only day of minding their own business. "Race ya?" Sonic smirked. Shadow rolled his eyes, allowing his skates to make themselves known, popping out with a mechanical click, both stopping.

Sonic nodded at Shadow, placing a hand in the air with three digits. The three fidgets then turned to two and then one, indicating the two hedgehogs should begin running, which they did. Shadow immediately began to skate near top speed, just equivalent to Sonic's average running speed. Shadow could tell Sonic was trying to push his speed  to it's limits, ultimately failing as Shadow managed to overtake him.

Shadow could almost see the shock on Sonic's face, as if the bewildered gasp wasn't enough. Shadow smirked, beginning to get too cocky for his own good. Shadow allowed himself slack however, allowing Sonic to sprint past and win the 'race'.

Shadow managed to get there, seconds after Sonic. He came to find the speedster leaning against the fence, head turned to Shadow with his usual cocky grin. "What took so long? Even in those skates you're like a turtle." Sonic laughed as Shadow allowed his skates to dissapear back into the safety of their 'chambers' in the thick soul of his shoes.

He shoved passed the hedgehog, allowing the blue blur to fall to the ground, just missing a small flowerbed. "Hey! You didn't have to shove me!" Sonic called as he quickly picked himself up and ran to the ebony hedgehog. "Don't ridicule me, hedgehog, I am capable of things you can't even imagine." Shadow coldly stated. "Even on your day off you're picking fights." Sonic murmured "If you start them then I shall pick a fight." Shadow grunted, rolling his eyes before sitting down, Sonic in tow.

Shadow could feel how impatient Sonic was getting, concluding picking grass would be better than waiting. A Chao eventually approached Shadow, blue in colour with green eyes. The Chao began to delicatley play with Shadow, a playful squeak earning Sonic's attention. "Woah... it looks like me!" Sonic gaped at the delicate creature before him. "They say, for every Mobian born, a chao will be their spitting image." Shadow recited. Rouge had taught him that a few weeks ago.

"So there's one just as out of place as you?" Sonic joked, a growl forbidding him from laughing. "More than likely." He simply stated. They were just as tired as eachother and couldn't be bothered fighting, trying to maintain the uneasy alliance they had every Sunday - if they ran into eachother.

More chao (?) eventually made their presence known. Sonic took the liberty of pointing out who each Chao looked like. "Wow! They look just like Amy-" Sonic gaped at the pink creature. "Rose is a common colour. Her eyes may be rare but any mobian could be pink with green eyes. Rosy could be represented by this one." Shadow nonchalantly sighed.

They had been there for an hour or so before a giggle was heard. It was high in pitch and delicate. The two mobians looked for the source, a golden chao presenting itself, bearing gifts for the two; a red and black flowercrown and a blue flowercrown. Sonic giggled as the bi-coloured flowercrown was placed upon his head by the chao. Shadow's eyes widened, remembering a 'myth' Rouge had told him. Swiftly, Shadow dodged the crown the chao tried to place upon his head.

"Shadow! They want to give you a gift!" Sonic shouted, clearly annoyed Shadow would refuse such a beautiful blue flowercrown. "Sonic- no- you don't-" Shadow was cut off as Sonic took the flowercrown from the chao, thanking them, before placing it atop Shadow's head. Shadow blushed lightly as his eyes widened. He couldn't allow this. Panicking, he threw the flowercrown to the floor, taking off at a speed faster than Sonic could ever reach, leaving the speedster dumbfounded and annoyed at the ebony hedgehog.

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