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Sorry I haven't updated this book in awhile. I took a 6 week long hiatus and a bunch of other things has come up. I have like 18-ish books aswell so catching up has been hell. I'll try to update monthly though :)


Sally had left Shadow alone after that, seeing it as a warning to back off - which it obviously was knowing Shadow. Shadow was clearly enjoying it in some weird, twisted way. Sonic really needed to get to know the emo a lot more to understand his actions.

Ironically enough, the ebony hedgehog and Geode remained by Sonic for the most part. Shadow did of course distance himself from Sonic if he got annoyed with him. Luckily for Sonic, Geode seemed to never tire of his antics and even replicated his actions to the best of their ability - which was both adorable and funny.

Geode poked Shadow's cheek playfully, making pleased little shrieks each time. Sonic could see the annoyance in Shadow's face, his calm reactions only confusing the lapiz hedgehog further as he gently pushed the chao away. Geode very quickly found their way back in Shadow's face however - much to the ebony hedgehog's dismay.

There was nothing more confusing than Shadow in all honesty. He found some form of twisted joy in the suffering of others - especially by his own hand. Despite this however, he had goals - ambitions - and never gave up. He was overly warm-hearted towards Cream The Rabbit and now Geode, yet was always ready to shoot anyone he deems a threat. He wasn't quite a hero, but he wasn't a villian. He was something in-between; he wasn't selfishly doing whatever suited him, but he wasn't selflessly doing whatever was right.

In all honesty, nothing confused Sonic more than the actions Shadow took with no definitive motive made known.

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