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Chapter 13: A new friend

Shadow had managed to calm down the chaos - which Sonic had startled as he had lept up behind them in attempts to hug them. "Sorry..." Sonic whispered to Shadow as a glare was shot his way. Shadow just scoffed and continued to pet the little, coloured, dumpling-headed creatures that continued to surround him.

Sonic gasped, ensuring he was quiet and careful as he approached Shadow. He sat next to Shadow and hesitated. Shadow just rolled his eyes and gently grabbed the other's wrist - not startle the chao - and placed it atop one's head and forced it back and fourth in a gentle manner. The Chao squeaked in happiness and edged into the stroke more.

Shadow then let the other's hand go and continued to pet the others as Sonic focused on the one Shadow had randomly picked out for him in attempts to try ease Sonic into not distressing the poor creatures. Sonic smiled at it and studied it carefully. It was ebony in colour with lapiz accents and green eyes. Sonic chuckled lightly, nudging the other.

"It looks like us." He whispered. Shadow studied it and shrugged. "I suppose so." He agreed. "Can we keep it!" Sonic cooed as the chao sat in his lap and squeaked happily. Shadow's eyes furrowed questioningly. "Why would you want to keep it? It's clearly happy here, with its friends." "Well... when you put it like that I feel bad for Cheese." Sonic muttered, his mood saddening. Shadow laughed lightly, quickly stopping as Sonic's ears twitched. "Always so selfless." He remarked. "You can't just kidnap a chao. The chao has to choose you." He stated, getting up. "We better go now anyway. Amy will probably be wanting to go to that take away now."

The lapiz hedgehog nodded and got up, the chao clinging to his shoulder. "Shadow- it's-" Shadow just sighed, scooping up the chao. "You need to go." He said in a rather soft tone "Go play with your friends." He then placed the chao down, said chao immediately clinging to Shadow. "Guess it likes us." Sonic joked "We won't be getting rid of it anytime soon." Sonic pouted "Sooooo can we keep it?" Shadow rolled his eyes "It's dependable on what it wants. Keep walking." He stated as he continued to walk, the chao showing no sign of letting go.


The chao was still clinging to Shadow's quill when they returned, the two settling on the fact the chao had chosen them.

"It looks like a Flash though!" Sonic sighed. Shadow shook his head "Too on the nose." Shadow stated as the two walked back. "Well what else! I've suggested every good name!" Shadow rolled his eyes "You tried to name it Sonic The 2nd. You haven't tried all good names." "Well what else do you have?" Shadow shrugged "What about Bolt?" Sonic cringed. "No." Shadow shrugged it off "I tried!" He muttered, the group now comming to view.

Amy smiled as the two joined them. "We were just going to get you!" She grinned "Hey... is that a chao?" She asked, petting the dumpling-headed creature. Cream quickly rushed over, greeting the other. "What's its name?" The rabbit asked, eyes drawn to the weird-looking chao. "We have no name." Sonic stated "What about Geode?" Amy suggested. Shadow looked to Sonic, liking the name. Sonic nodded "Sure, better than what we could come up with." He joked.

"Great!" Sally grinned "Now that's settled let's go get some food! I'm starvin'!"

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