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The two returned soon after. Shadow's better mood was evident, especially as even Knuckles chose to interact with him.

"We were all just talking about when we were kids!" Sally smiled. Amy shook her head, smiling. "No, you were telling everyone about everything embarrassing I did." Sally smirked, nodding her head. "When we were kids." She reminded, the pink hedgehog crossing her arms with a huff. "Anyway, wanna join us?" Sally asked, turning towards the three. Sonic nodded, Shadow reluctantly following with Geode in hand.

Shadow and Sonic sat down at the bench, the lapiz hedgehog being unlucky enough to find himself near the pink hedgehog. Amy hadn't been bothering as much as she used to, but that usually meant she was planning something. Like the time she had trapped Sonic and pretended to just 'come across' him on a walk and help him out. Sonic wasn't that dumb, even he knew she has trapped him and pretended to save him.

"Remember when we used to play Queen with your siblings and Amy?" Sally reminded, breaking the silence. Sonic laughed, nodding his head. "I hated that game-" He stated. "I always ended up having to guard Amy." Amy scoffed, straightening her posture before donning a dramatic pose "You have to protect your queen!" She said in a pathetic voice, quoting something she had always said to Sonic when he suggested joining the others.

Sally, Sonic and Amy broke into laughter, leaving Tails, Knuckles and Shadow to wonder what it must have been like.

"I wish Tails was our age - and that we knew him then." Sonic huffed "We probably wouldn't have had to chase eachother around with small twigs." Sally nodded "I hated chasing Sonia with a short a-s stick! I always tripped up when I ran too fast." Sonic laughed "Imagine chasing Manic!"

Amy chuckled "I remember you two running as fast as you could to catch up with the Ice-Cream Truck." Sonic cringed, remembering the sheer amount of pain he felt when he ran straight into the truck, forgetting how fast he could run. Manic and Sonia laughed at him for days on end.

Sally then turned to Shadow. "What about you? What was your childhood like?" Everyone flinched, except Sally and Shadow. Shadow looked down, Sally looking at him intently. Sonic swiftly stood up. "I don't think we should continue this conversa-" "Why not?" Sally suddenly stated, staring at Sonic intently. "Well there's just some.... well-" Sonic sighed.

He didn't exactly know how to tell Sally. She wasn't dense, but she would ignore warnings until it came to bite her. She never took it into account though.

"I'd rather not." Shadow stated, glaring at the squirrel. "Why not?" Sally asked, returning the glare. "Because my  'childhood' wasn't sunshine and rainbows." Shadow spat,hoping that was enough for the squirrel to lay off. This only intruiged the red-head more, however. "How so?" She asked as she leaned over the table on her elbows.

Shadow sighed "I am not even a möbian. I was biogenetically engineered in space. A girl taught me most of what I know. An organisation tried to stop the experimentation they once helped with and killed everyone I knew. I barely escaped. I woke up 50 years later and ended up working with the organisation." Shadow stated.

It was a quick rundown, but Sonic knew how sensitive Shadow was to his past. He didn't like reminiscing on it, but Sonic was proud that Shadow atleast tried without losing his cool.

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