( 001. ) 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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Hawkins, Indiana. 1984

STEVE HARRINGTON WAS an average teenager, really

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STEVE HARRINGTON WAS an average teenager, really. Apart from his model good looks, that is. Given, he was one of the popular boys, always had been, but that's not what makes someone stick out, does it? He was the only son of a upper middle class couple stuck in small-town Indiana, meant to inherit his dad's car dealership one day. He was the star of the basketball team, part of the swim team and it seemed like the whole school revolved around him, in a way. He had it all; the looks, the following and a beautiful girlfriend in the shape of Bethany Brooks; a short brunette that was supposedly the most desired girl at Hawkins High — so naturally, Steve had her, and how he had her: that little bird had been all over him, waiting for him after school, begging him to spend more time with her.

What no one told Steve, however, is what a bad kisser Bethany Brooks had been. Kissing suddenly became a chore, something he prayed for to be over soon. It had been so bad that all his thoughts revolved around Tommy Hagan's freckled little ass in the shower when Beth and him met to make out in the backseat of his BMW. Not that it was a new thought to him, but who could blame him? He had basketball training twice a week and then also swim training twice a week. Seeing naked men was daily routine for him, surely having them burnt into the insides of his brain was a natural thing. Tommy was probably thinking about Steve's ass, as well.

„Steve," Beth pulled back and huffed, giving him a scolding look. „Your tongue is like a dead fish in my mouth." She knitted her brows, eyeing her boyfriend over, overall confused but something in her eyes sparkled sadly, making Steve slightly nervous.

„I'm sorry," he shrugged his shoulders, „let's try again," and with that he pulled her closer, but Beth pushed him aside before he could kiss her again, shaking her head firmly so that it sent streaks of her chestnut hair flying.

„No. I don't think so. We should maybe just... go home. Your thoughts are obviously occupied by something else," she crossed her arms and pulled away even more. Steve knew that he probably should've felt the need to protest, to try and get her to make out some more, but all he felt was relief. He opened the door and sat down behind the steering wheel again, turning on the engine and slowly starting to drive again, focusing on the road in front of him.

„They weren't," he had to raise his voice a bit to drown out Toto coming from the car radio, and he also turned his head to Beth who was still on the backseat, fastening her seatbelt. „My thoughts were revolving around you, I swear," he raised his hands as if to surrender, flashing a charismatic smile that he knew no one could resist.

„Sure," Bethany shook her head, something in her expression that Steve didn't quite knew to read. He furrowed his brows, then slowly turned up the stereo to prevent any further conversation until the rows of suburban dream houses came into sight, all looking like exact copies of each other. He slowed the car until he stopped in front of one of them, parking right at the front door. Of course he went to open the door for Beth, but if he knew then what he knew half an hour later, he wouldn't have been such a gentleman. Hesitantly, Beth left the car, avoiding Steve's gaze, making him even more suspicious of her behaviour. Gently, he put his hand on her arm, pulling her closer as to look into her face.

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